I'm reading through the list of everyone who participated again, and I just want to say how proud I am of everyone here. 12 hours is a LONG time, and whether you stayed for all of it or just a little bit, I really can't believe so many people showed up, and I'm so happy to see how much engagement this got! A huge congratulations to the top three—I was shocked to see HappyTreeX1 get 13 million yesterday, and so impressed when Xelna got over 13.2 million. berserk also performed extremely well, which was a lovely thing to see. And it was great to see both old people, like Kalle29 and Robert, and new people, like Jaxx and m2k, participating and having fun. And a special shoutout to Yoshicraft224 for getting exactly 1 rating. Easily the funniest thing I saw all day.
Since I wasn't in voice chat or watching anyone's streams, I didn't really know what was going on, except for when I would sometimes check the in-game chat. So I'd love to know how people thought about this whole event! Here are some of my feelings.
The last time I did this was for MBG in 2019. I was in college then, using a 2017 MacBook Pro with a butterfly keyboard, so the key travel was extremely low. For that race, I played for 11h 15m, and I had to stop because the hand pain got so bad that I physically could not play anymore. My hand took nearly a week to recover from that. Also, during that last time, it was right in the middle of a year of heavy MBG grinding for me, so I was very familiar with all the levels and what I had to do on them. But I still came out of that race feeling like I hadn't done my best—Airwalk in particular tripped me up.
This time, I was going into the race after not having played most of MBG seriously since 2020. And also not getting enough sleep the night before (I have nobody to blame). I also used a mechanical keyboard on my 2014 Mac mini rather than the laptop keyboard, and my hand doesn't hurt nearly as much as last time. Oh, and PQ didn't crash once! It got laggy about nine hours in, but that was just because Night Shift came on.
I just wanted to start with Tightrope and Pathways, the levels that give the most rating, and then just have fun with the rest. I set myself a goal of 12M rating, which I thought was attainable. And I was right, it was attainable, I just didn't attain it. If I had been slightly luckier and more resourceful, I may have done so. But I am shocked at how much muscle memory I have from these 100 levels, and how much of the race was "let's open this level and see what path my muscle memory wants to take." And I'm very proud of myself for doing just about as well as I could, and proud of everyone else who did as well as they could too!
Some highlights from my portion:
I started the race at 12:30 UTC, or 08:30 my time. Usually, I would have slept in until about 09:30, but I was so excited to race that I woke up early naturally. The first hour and a half was all Tightrope. I was trying to do the double edge hit for ages, but as the two-hour mark of the time window approached, I figured I should just get a run in (24s) and move on. After that, I did a quick WRR2 Pathways run, and then just went in order from the beginning.
Most impressive runs:
Skyscraper 29.263: I did the double traplaunch! This was soooo close to actually being a PB (20.xxx), but I missed one gem on one of the tiny platforms on the way down from the second launch. So I had to super jump back up to get it, and then ride an elevator to the finish.
Monster Speedway Qualifying 14.371: This is such a fun level, and so satisfying to get a low time like this. I originally got a high 15, but I'm really glad I played it for a few more minutes, even though it's just an intermediate level and doesn't give much rating.
Money Tree 35.059: I know Xelna did better, but I'm just glad I was able to hit a great run on one of my favorite levels.
Luckiest runs:
Under Construction 2.463: Literally second attempt, near the end of the race, and I almost fell off. I even did a weird edge hit and went backwards onto more construction, and somehow finished with only 0.3s of time travel left.
Dive! 13.839: Only took a few minutes, and this was the very last level I completed, with less than 10 minutes of the race remaining. Much better than 27 or whatever I had before, and I had barely ever finished this way too—I did a loop exit and then landed right in the gap where you normally go to finish. So glad I didn't miss the finish pad.
Survival of the Fittest 9.367: I mean... yeah, this was pretty lucky. I almost got an even better launch before this—had just enough height to jump on top of one of the blue pillars, but hit the yellow pillar because I didn't know how to successfully go through all those pillars at that height.
Most shameful runs:
Great Divide Revisited 31.142: I don't know why the edge hit at the start wasn't working for me at all in PQ, no matter which FPS I used. So I just went with the regular traplaunch, but even then it wasn't a very good launch and just sent me straight up, and I just completed the level normally. I didn't have time to go back to it at the end. Definitely not proud of this.
Ramps Reloaded 18.430: I was trying to do the WRR 5 path, but I kept moving the camera way too far and not aiming the super speed correctly at the end, and I moved on pretty quickly because I wanted to get the Tower Maze traplaunch.
Battlements 20.885: No launch, which was a shame.
Tango 10.785: I tried the WR path for a bit just in case I got lucky, but in the end I had to do the full path because I didn't know of a faster way to do it. I should have just seen what Xelna does for full MBG runs and done that, because at this point I was very pressed for time, and it probably would have been faster.
Also Whirl 8.805: For some reason, I can't get up to the time travels in PQ like I can in MBG. So I had to settle for this time.
This took way too long:
Tightrope 24.864: Approximately 90m, this was at the very start and I spent a long time trying to get that double edge hit without success
Marble Playground 36.995: 34m 28s on an easy path
Spork in the Road 13.590: 20m 26s for not a very good finish. I felt like my muscle memory was betraying me on this one, because I kept missing the super jump and not knowing how to get the time travels the right way.
Overall, this was just a really great experience, and I got pretty lucky near the end. I would like to suggest that in the future this could be separated into two six-hour time slots, because 12 hours is a really long time to have to stay focused and staring at the game. I could feel myself starting to lose steam when there were still over three hours remaining. And a huge thank you to you, thearst3rd, for organizing this and providing your website so that we don't all have to make separate accounts! I think that made this event much more accessible than the previous MBG race.