Hey guys,
So, I've posted this on Discord, but I guess I should also post this in the forums. So, about the next Singleplayer Time Trial tournament, I wanted to help out and talked to Frostfire about it, and I was thinking of having all PQ levels. However, Frostfire was thinking of random levels (where levels are chosen at random per week), but I would like to hear your opinion on whether you guys want all PQ levels or random levels (most likely official) for this next tournament. [strike]You can vote for what levels you want on www.strawpoll.me/14389799/ .[/strike] Polls are now closed!
As a matter of fact, I've already created the spreadsheet for the 2018 Singleplayer Time Trial Tournament that features all PQ levels, and I thought I'd share this with you guys in advance for you to take a look: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V9oKWy_o...0Dc/edit?usp=sharing
This spreadsheet is pretty much the plan that I had in mind for all PQ Singleplayer tournament next year, but whether or not we'll follow through this plan depends on whether you guys want all PQ or Random levels.
By the way, polls will end on Dec 4, and the signup period for this tournament will begin on Dec 20
*Keep in mind that if the poll results turn out to be a tie, priority will go to all PQ since that's the original plan.
So, I've posted this on Discord, but I guess I should also post this in the forums. So, about the next Singleplayer Time Trial tournament, I wanted to help out and talked to Frostfire about it, and I was thinking of having all PQ levels. However, Frostfire was thinking of random levels (where levels are chosen at random per week), but I would like to hear your opinion on whether you guys want all PQ levels or random levels (most likely official) for this next tournament. [strike]You can vote for what levels you want on www.strawpoll.me/14389799/ .[/strike] Polls are now closed!
As a matter of fact, I've already created the spreadsheet for the 2018 Singleplayer Time Trial Tournament that features all PQ levels, and I thought I'd share this with you guys in advance for you to take a look: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V9oKWy_o...0Dc/edit?usp=sharing
This spreadsheet is pretty much the plan that I had in mind for all PQ Singleplayer tournament next year, but whether or not we'll follow through this plan depends on whether you guys want all PQ or Random levels.
By the way, polls will end on Dec 4, and the signup period for this tournament will begin on Dec 20

*Keep in mind that if the poll results turn out to be a tie, priority will go to all PQ since that's the original plan.