Interesting UT path Magnet Training
Interesting UT path Diamond Roundup
Oval Blast Gold
Flying Marble
Green! (1:03.62) + Gravity Chaos (00:36.26)
Sprint EE + BCFinale EE
Edge Hits on Learning to Roll (stupid, not worth watching )
MkBul's Challenges Regular
MkBul's Challenges Recruit
Hop Skip & Jump (No Helicopter) 9.81
Mastering the Marble - No OOB's/PT
Platform Race 2 1:17.42
Roll Like the Wind walkthrough
Mountaintop Retreat 2 Jumps 30.85
That Old Blast - No Jumping
Emerald Tower - No Jumping
MBE No Jumping Compilation
Dustforce Custom Level Dust Noir WR 0:57.201