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file [BUG] Marble Blast Fubar not logging in

  • Ralph
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13 Jan 2016 10:11 #1
Here's the shot : I normally open Marble Blast Fubar Build 31113. I click the Play button and I type in my username and my password.
And starting by the moment when I click on Login...

I can sit back and wait forever to load. Besides, the Offline button is out. Is there any way to fix this obnoxious issue?

You forget a thousand things everyday. Make sure Marble Blast isn't one of 'em.
Instagram : ralphfrommb


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14 Jan 2016 00:14 #2
Any Console.log information you could provide? Sometimes the connection to the server times out during login and you just have to hit Cancel and try again, though if the entire application is locking up I'm not sure if that method would work. A console may provide some insight into the matter.


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  • Ralph
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14 Jan 2016 12:13 #3
I give you the whole content.
//-------------------------- 1/13/2016 -- 11:06:56 ----- MBExtender Init: Initializing memory interface SSE detected Loading plugins\FrameRateUnlock.dll Loading plugins\MBFUBAR.dll MBExtender: Initializing Plugins, Stage 1: Initializing plugins\FrameRateUnlock.dll Initializing plugins\MBFUBAR.dll WARNING: plugins\MBFUBAR.dll does not have a preEngineInit() function! Processor Init: Intel Pentium III, 2663 Mhz FPU detected MMX detected SSE detected Math Init: Installing Standard C extensions Installing Assembly extensions Installing FPU extensions Installing MMX extensions Installing SSE extensions Input Init: keyboard0 input device created. mouse0 input device created. DirectInput enabled. MBExtender: Initializing Plugins, Stage 2: Initializing plugins\FrameRateUnlock.dll FrameRateUnlock: Using high-performance timer FrameRateUnlock: Timer frequency = 2630791 Initializing plugins\MBFUBAR.dll WARNING: plugins\MBFUBAR.dll does not have a postEngineInit() function! --------- Loading MODS --------- Loading compiled script common/main.cs. Loading compiled script marble/main.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/defaults.cs. Loading compiled script marble/server/defaults.cs. Compiling marble/client/prefs.cs... Loading compiled script marble/client/prefs.cs. Compiling marble/server/prefs.cs... Loading compiled script marble/server/prefs.cs. --------- Parsing Arguments --------- --------- Initializing MOD: Common --------- Loading compiled script common/client/canvas.cs. Loading compiled script common/client/audio.cs. --------- Initializing MOD: FPS --------- Loading compiled script marble/client/init.cs. Loading compiled script marble/server/init.cs. Loading compiled script marble/data/init.cs. --------- Initializing FPS: Server --------- Loading compiled script common/server/audio.cs. Loading compiled script common/server/server.cs. Loading compiled script common/server/message.cs. Loading compiled script common/server/commands.cs. Loading compiled script common/server/missionInfo.cs. Loading compiled script common/server/missionLoad.cs. Loading compiled script common/server/missionDownload.cs. Loading compiled script common/server/clientConnection.cs. Loading compiled script common/server/kickban.cs. Loading compiled script marble/server/scripts/commands.cs. Loading compiled script marble/server/scripts/centerPrint.cs. Loading compiled script marble/server/scripts/game.cs. --------- Initializing FPS: Client --------- Loading compiled script common/client/message.cs. Loading compiled script common/client/mission.cs. Loading compiled script common/client/missionDownload.cs. Loading compiled script common/client/actionMap.cs. Loading compiled script common/editor/editor.cs. Video Init: Accelerated OpenGL display device detected. Accelerated D3D device detected. Voodoo 2 display device not detected. Activating the OpenGL display device... Activating the OpenGL display device... Setting screen mode to 1440x900x32 (w)... Creating a new window... Acquiring a new device context... Pixel format set: 32 color bits, 24 depth bits, 8 stencil bits Creating a new rendering context... Making the new rendering context current... OpenGL driver information: Vendor: Intel Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Version: 3.1.0 - Build OpenGL Init: Enabled Extensions ARB_multitexture (Max Texture Units: 8) EXT_compiled_vertex_array EXT_texture_env_combine EXT_packed_pixels EXT_fog_coord ARB_texture_compression EXT_texture_compression_s3tc 3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 (ARB|EXT)_texture_env_add EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic (Max anisotropy: 16.000000) OpenGL Init: Disabled Extensions EXT_paletted_texture NV_vertex_array_range WGL_EXT_swap_control NPatch tessellation Loading compiled script common/ui/defaultProfiles.cs. Loading compiled script common/ui/GuiEditorGui.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/ConsoleDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/InspectDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/InspectAddFieldDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/LoadFileDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/SaveFileDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/MessageBoxOkDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/MessageBoxYesNoDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/MessageBoxOKCancelDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/MessagePopupDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/MessageBoxTextDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/MessageBoxCrcDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/ui/HelpDlg.gui. Loading compiled script common/client/metrics.cs. Loading compiled script common/ui/FrameOverlayGui.gui. Loading compiled script common/client/messageBox.cs. Loading compiled script common/client/screenshot.cs. Loading compiled script common/client/cursor.cs. Loading compiled script common/client/help.cs. OpenAL Driver Init: OpenAL Vendor: Creative Labs Inc. Version: OpenAL 1.0 Renderer: Software Extensions: EAX 2.0, EAX 3.0, EAX Unified, and EAX-AC3 Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/audioProfiles.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/defaultGameProfiles.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/PlayGui.gui. Missing file: marble/client/ui/ignitionGui.gui! Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/ignitionStatusGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/SplashScreenGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/playMissionGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/mainMenuGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/endGameGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/loadingGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/optionsDlg.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/remapDlg.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/EnterNameDlg.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/ManualGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/ExitGameDlg.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/MiniShotGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/profileGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/CreditsGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/ChatGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/LBLoginGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/LBTermsDlg.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/ui/marbleSelectorGui.gui. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/manual.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/missionDownload.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/serverConnection.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/loadingGui.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/optionsDlg.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/chatHud.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/messageHud.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/playGui.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/centerPrint.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/game.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/demo.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/profile.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/credits.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/crc.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/tcp.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/math64.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/arrayObject.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/support.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/socket.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/handler.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/castbars.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/experience.cs. Loading compiled script marble/client/scripts/default.bind.cs. Compiling marble/client/config.cs... Loading compiled script marble/client/config.cs. Engine initialized... MBF::SERVER: Sending Request to server... MBF::SERVER: Request Sent. MBF::SERVER: Sending Request to server... MBF::SERVER: Request Sent. MBF::SERVER: Unable to connect to Message of the Day server. MBF::SERVER: Unable to connect to Bonus XP Server! MBF::SERVER: Unable to connect to Bonus XP Server! Exporting client prefs Exporting server prefs MBExtender: Unloading Plugins: Unloading plugins\FrameRateUnlock.dll Unloading plugins\MBFUBAR.dll WARNING: plugins\MBFUBAR.dll does not have a engineShutdown() function! Shutting down the OpenGL display device... Making the GL rendering context not current... Deleting the GL rendering context... Releasing the device context...

You forget a thousand things everyday. Make sure Marble Blast isn't one of 'em.
Instagram : ralphfrommb

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15 Jan 2016 00:07 #4
Based on these lines, I'd say it's not connecting to the Marble Blast server correctly:
MBF::SERVER: Unable to connect to Message of the Day server. MBF::SERVER: Unable to connect to Bonus XP Server! MBF::SERVER: Unable to connect to Bonus XP Server!

Are you playing Fubar on the same system you're posting from? Are you able to hit this page if you open it in a web browser:


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17 Jan 2016 16:35 #5
I am having the same problem too, although this has happened for all the builds and I'm also on a Mac (not sure this would make a difference though)

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18 Jan 2016 03:29 #6

EthanMitchell wrote: I am having the same problem too, although this has happened for all the builds and I'm also on a Mac (not sure this would make a difference though)

Your issue might be related to the space in username bug :

It has been fixed in the next build, which I will be pushing out shortly. Let me know if you're still unable to login after Build 32327 goes out tonight.


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20 Jan 2016 09:26 #7
Unfortunately, the problem still persists. Offline won't work as well - it takes forever to check the mission consistency. :(

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21 Jan 2016 04:20 #8
It's possible the Torque TCP Objects are not working as intended on certain Mac systems. Are you running OS X 10.6+?

I realized there is an issue with CRC for both Guests and Offline Mode users; I'll be fixing this in the next major build.


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21 Jan 2016 08:57 #9
Yes, I'm on Yosemite.

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31 Jan 2016 03:13 #10
I've reconfigured pieces of the connection code in Build 40000+ (due on Feb. 9th). I've also fixed Guest and Offline mode, so you should be able to play even if TCP Objects are not playing nicely.

In a week, grab the latest build and let me know if you're both stilling having troubles connecting.


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01 Feb 2016 10:15 #11
Thank you for doing everything you can to help. Bizarrely enough, I have discovered that it is to do with IP addresses - I live in a different place during the week than I do at the weekend, but I haven't properly sorted out the settings on my Mac. It works at the weekend! Once I sort it out, it should work. I will let you know if doesn't.

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02 Feb 2016 02:41 #12
Interesting development. I'm curious to hear if Ralph is experiencing any similar difficulties. There are no banned IP ranges for Marble Blast Fubar to my knowledge, unless the Marble Blast web server itself is performing some filtering that I am otherwise unaware of.


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03 Feb 2016 23:01 #13
Ah - this is to do with my laptop's settings - but still check as I am not completely sure.

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