file PlatinumQuest update: We’re on fire!

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #31
I hope Matan doesn't see this, but the community should know -- Alex (DJ Delusional) has just made this awesome new song that features a real live recording artist! We've decided to use it for the main menu!

Here's a sample of the artist's work:

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #32
This... looks... Epic! I notice a rotating red arrow in one of the levels, so i'm guessing that rotating platforms is in PQ.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #33
Pablo, Matan is going to kill you (again) , but thx your awesome!

EDIT: I just got owned Good one!

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #34
Jul 31, 2010, 5:23pm, popsip wrote:This... looks... Epic! I notice a rotating red arrow in one of the levels, so i'm guessing that rotating platforms are in PQ.

Spline (see No Jumping 2 by Oaky). Rotating MPs are impossible.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #35
Jul 31, 2010, 5:21pm, pablovasquez wrote:I hope Matan doesn't see this, but the community should know -- Alex (DJ Delusional) has just made this awesome new song that features a real live recording artist! We've decided to use it for the main menu!

Here's a sample of the artist's work:

You have a strange way of mixing truth and lies. If your going to reference my work, you should probably reference something OTHER than your mom at night.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #36
Nice speedometer in lap mode, and gem radar in hunt (or quota not sure) mode. Also MBSideScroller, interesting idea.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #37
(0:00 - 0:07)
Red Background, Black text nothing that you can't miss
(0:08 - 0:15)
First think to notice is the new times this is on the ground and looks slightly brighter than previously.
The other obvious think is that there is a exclamation mark on the moving platform which looks like it is drawn in paint so i expect that will look nicer in the real thing
If you look in the bottom left hand corner there is a fps counter
You may have also noticed there is a 3rd digit in the gem counter which means i expect there will be some big levels either in the game or that will be made as custom levels
There is also a new ball which although you can put your own it gives you that much more variety because i am sure that this game will have changeable balls but hey new stuff is new stuff!
(0:16 - 0:22)
There is a gem count underneath the gems which need to be collected number. So this must be quota mode 45 is the total number of gems in the level.
There is still the nuke present in the game if you look as he uses the bouncy surface
There are some sort of streamer feature which i think is a new scenery and it looks somewhat like the back of your marble during a super speed or bounce.. only white for those who don't know what i am talking about
(0:22 - 0:23)
As the gem is collected he goes over his target and it says You picked up a gem! 19 more gems to reach 100% this leaves a few possibilities
a) You can collect them all just for the fun of it
b) There is some sort of benefit to say your time if you do collect them all
c) There will be a separate time or unlock-able feature for collecting 100% on all quotas... perhaps a challenge on the lbs
Also there is a new wall tile you can see here and to quote matan (because i am bugging him right now [as usual!])

Quote:Israeli Red Dragon says:
they're wall tiles mbu_pattern_cool2
just PQ's version of new wall tile...
which is heavily used
There is still Water, Space, Grass & Ice I see no use of carpet throughout the vid.. they appear to have different textures except water hence the mention here when you can see water
(0:23 - 0:29)
Instant thing you should have noticed is the radar
The grass here looks darker than the grass in the next clip which seemed noteworthy because there might be more than one type of grass :s
It is noticeable as soon as he collects a gem that gems are worth different values as it pops up in the middle of the screen so this is basically gem hunt from MBO. However there is a twist, notice when he collects the clock at 0:27 it says you received a 2.5 second Re spawning Time Modifier! so we can infer that there will be a re spawn time. So don't screw up!
(0:30 - 0:33)
There is a new scenery here. Firstly notice the use of scenery which isn't a tower in the background then look at the plants and flowers which i expect are collision free but add a little more warmth to the levels.
Then we see moving fans which is another cool bit of new scenery. These don't actually effect the marble
(0:34 - 0:37)
New platform textures somewhat like the wall piece in orange and pink.
There is a new hazard which disappears and you can see them reappearing as he falls. Effectively this looks like a trapdoor except it can't be used for the little trapdoor tricks of using one diagonally and thanks to the quick re spawn time the start trick might also be difficult. Perhaps some interesting trap-launches will come of this though
(0:38 - 0:44)
This feels the most appropriate time to point out the obvious colours shooting out of the gems because you can see it most although it is in the other clips.
I don't know if this is an continuity error or if they are different game types, however there is no radar even though this appears to be gem hunt again.
There are giant red arrows at either end of the level. You can tell they are slightly away from the level because you can't one at the start when you can see the marble going towards to edge however when he looks back it is there so i imagine it is a slight bit off the level. Could just be scenery :s
(0:45 - 0:51)
Race mode. There is a clear speedometer and lap counter addition.
If you look closely at the speedometer at the beginning there is a red counter so i think that you have to finish your lap at a certain speed for it to count, this would explain the X and that would either be the speed he was at when he finished the lap or the speed he needs to be at to finish the lap
There is a nice lap time popup which could potentially be recorded as well so you could have a best course and a best lap time to try and have to beat.
(0:52 - 0:58)
There is a new fence piece of scenery surrounding the level
There is also a new mud sort of texture. This could be carpet and i could be mistaken it just looks like mud on the third speed bump
(0:59 - 1:07)
Level which looks alot like zenith
The radar is back here
(1:08 - 1:16)
Now we see a marble on the level we already saw.
This appears to be a sidescroller mode which raises some interesting questions and possibilities. Can you move in three dimensions or only two? If you hit a gravity defier does it spin the camera (assuming the camera is unmovable) or do you have to play from a birds eye view?
If you look in the MBP suggestions there is actually a suggestion (by me) for an inability to move the camera, now i am not trying to claim credit in any way. What i am trying to say is perhaps you might wish to have a look through that topic and see what else they might have included.
(1:17 - 1:20)
Congrats the Alex Swensen for the new part as music creator.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #38
Thanks Thoran, you picked up some things I didn't see.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #39
Jul 31, 2010, 6:47pm, thoran wrote:(0:34 - 0:37)
New platform textures somewhat like the wall piece in orange and pink.
There is a new hazard which disappears and you can see them reappearing as he falls. Effectively this looks like a trapdoor except it can't be used for the little trapdoor tricks of using one diagonally and thanks to the quick re spawn time the start trick might also be difficult. Perhaps some interesting trap-launches will come of this though

Just a random guess that this could be subsituted for the glue friction RM38 has suggested. Since it has almost same features that RM38 has said about the glue friction.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #40
Thoran's here! Welcome back dude!

This looks AMAZING. You guys should be really proud of yourselves.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #41
Very thorough picking-apart, Thoran

And stop spoiling our music Pablo

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #42
Ok, i'll try too.

0.06 I've noticed some new textures, a new marble and a new skybox that changes the taste of normal game mode also an fps counter.
0.17 The Quota mode with gems instead of diamonds and also some new particles.
0.25 The Hunt game mode with a radar at the right corner and a time modifier with changes at its text.
0.30 A level presentation with windmills.
0.34 A floor that gets invisible when you touch it.
0.38 The Hunt mode again with an weird arrow that i don't know what is it.
0.45 The Racing mode with a speed counter.
0.53 A normal level with nice grass dts and a fence around it.
0.57 A hunt level with space friction.
1.08 The level at 0.30 that belongs at a nice 2D mode (I think).

That's all.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #43
Can we join PQ?

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #44
I don't think so. They don't need more people.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #45
Just make levels for our competition and we'll see how good you are.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #46
Aug 1, 2010, 8:12am, pablovasquez wrote:Just make levels for our competition and we'll see how good you are.

What competition?

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #47

Read all about the competition there.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #48
I'm sorry if this is off-topic, but does anybody know where I can get the song used in this PlatinumQuest trailer? Turns out I really like it.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #49
Aug 1, 2010, 5:10pm, ultramarble wrote:I'm sorry if this is off-topic, but does anybody know where I can get the song used in this PlatinumQuest trailer? Turns out I really like it.

Generally contacting the producer of the song is a good idea.

*cough* Thats me. *cough*

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #50
O btw when PQ is released can you do another Matan's Talk Corner for it?

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #51
Matan's Talk Corner: Is MBP PlatinumQuest EASY or HARD?

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #52
I would more likely recommend a
Matans Interview Corner: Pascal Xelna Lafrance
Where Matan interviews Pascal and how he's a legendary god of MB.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #53
That video is epic. Just saying.


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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #54
Aug 1, 2010, 5:10pm, ultramarble wrote:I'm sorry if this is off-topic, but does anybody know where I can get the song used in this PlatinumQuest trailer? Turns out I really like it.

It's a PQ song, so can't really get it

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #55
Aug 1, 2010, 7:13pm, admin wrote:
Aug 1, 2010, 5:10pm, ultramarble wrote:I'm sorry if this is off-topic, but does anybody know where I can get the song used in this PlatinumQuest trailer? Turns out I really like it.

It's a PQ song, so can't really get it

Unless you want to buy the completed album im working on, or wait until MBPQ comes out.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #56
It looks soooooooooooo AMAZING! Especially the new interiors. Another thing that catches my eye is the lap counter, cause I'm also a fan of car racing so I will be making loads and LOADS of MB racing circuits.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #57
WOW Nice vid

Some guy that does DTS shapes and levels.

AWESOME time HINT : When making PQ level place your custom interiors and textures in platinum/data/interiors_pq/custom
makes life easier for you and everyone else :)

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #58
Not gonna happen for a LONG time, if ever. Sorry.

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #59
Jul 31, 2010, 5:28am, pablovasquez wrote:
Jul 31, 2010, 1:35am, mkbul wrote:I wonder how hard will it be to make levels after PQ...

Very easy, because there are so many features you can use that will have been used very little before.

Well, you didnt exactly got what i meant...what i meant was: Before MBP, all levels we were making and was considered good had no scenery, misaligned textures/platforms with MBP a good level takes MUCH more effort to make...smooth curves, scenery, trimming, ultra careful texture alignments etc...with PQ i wont even like to imagine

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01 Jan 1970 00:00 #60
Probably about the same, but what about coding the hunt mode

Off topic: There's an add for FISTS OF FU here. LOL!

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