file Patch 1.02

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21 Dec 2007 04:24 #1
Edit by Matan - Only several things that you guys will post below will make it into 1.01. 1.01 is being worked on for several critical fixes that are more important than the ones below.

Post any errors you see that need to be fixed for Patch 1.01-1.02.

#1: Massive misalignments in big loop in Speed Attack

#2: MP sound - play Morph or Despair and tell me that it doesn't piss you off

#3: In the pink section of DHelix, you can go upside down and fal without ever going OOB. An OOB trigger needs to be placed above that section as well

#4: Force Havoc in DHelix needs to be made easier - I can easily get all 3 gems and lots of TMs but getting out is super frustrating

#5: Artist names need to be updated (eg change Phil83 to Phil and in TD Mania needs to say Andrew Sears / rep. by Oakster etc.)

#6: You can beat some levels WAY easier with big / small marble eg. BFinale and other super hard levels.

#7: In Skill Zone, you can still bounce over the blocks of trim way too easily when coming back down a ramp. Needs to be heightened.

#8: Morph needs some CPs

#9: EE in Morph needs to have Z axis scaled higher

#10: 2nd last checkpoint of DH has an error with it - thanks to the Error Handler

That's all I have for now, continue posting

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21 Dec 2007 06:43 #2
#4 it's called KEEP A JUMP BOOST and use the cyclones once ur thrown up

#5 was fixed now be4 the patch

#6 we don't care It's for players to have fun

#8 Moshe said no as it'll look bad. Also there is no point due to moving platforms and other stuff.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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21 Dec 2007 08:21 #3
#4 Good idea.
#8 The CPs will look bad? How about all the gems and TT's floating in the air at the start? Do they look bad?

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21 Dec 2007 11:07 #4
Actually they're part of the level. With checkpts there is no real known *suggestion* coz ppl can hit them before due time AND if they fall off they start in a messed up position.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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21 Dec 2007 11:36 #5
#11: Carpet slope in Fighting Slopes is still really hard (maybe even impossible) to get up.

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21 Dec 2007 15:23 #6
#4 -- try getting the gems in Force Havoc and then falling out of the zone and teleporting to safety.

#12: Moshe has requested that the tower in Morph be extended to go much lower to cover the debris of MPs below.

#13: Combo Course has a tiny misalignment in the curve; also, that curve could use trim.

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21 Dec 2007 23:56 #7
#14: In King of the Marble, some gems are sunk into the floor.

#15: In Learn the Diagonal Movement, the helptrigger needs to be removed that says Missed the gem? ...

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22 Dec 2007 06:52 #8
#16: The button in the P that unlocks the qualify is a bit misaligned towards the left top side of the circle of the P. Clicking in the middle of the P circle will not unlock it.

#17: In level select screens, the MBP text in top left of screen is a bit too low. The gui overlaps it a bit. May have been why #16 is so also because normally it was higher.

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22 Dec 2007 16:53 #9
#18: The quarterpipes in Gym and Skill Zone are horrible. They need to be replaced and integrated into the map.

#19: Just a suggestion >> Should the floor of Gym be made into less clashing colors? Right now, it looks immature. If we changed it to a few shades of, say, MBU grids, it would be much more uniform (like Combo Course).

#20: There are misaligned textures, items, or interiors in the following levels (feel free to edit this list. If it is a large level, say what part):
-King of the Marble
-Floor Climb

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22 Dec 2007 20:44 #10
#21: Floating diamonds in Floor Climb.

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23 Dec 2007 02:52 #11
Post all bugs you find no matter how little, we need to get rid of ALL of them before the fat man in the red suit arrives. And once he arrives I'm sure Santa will come as well

#22: HMC has some trim misalignments in wall-hitting section (thanks LS )
#23: StartHelpText of HMC says Welcome to H.. M.. C..!(with the full words I'm lazy ). Shouldn't it say Welcome to the H.. M.. C..!?

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23 Dec 2007 02:54 #12
HMC has many trim errors.

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23 Dec 2007 11:13 #13
#24: The TM at the challenge with the JB and MR in Combo Course needs to have a sign in front of it.

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23 Dec 2007 18:19 #14
There's a raised SB in Speed Attack, after the big ice ramp I think.

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24 Dec 2007 04:10 #15
#26: After going OOB after getting the checkpoint in Beach Party, the marble respawns to one side of the checkpoint and INSIDE the interior.

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24 Dec 2007 05:08 #16
Gah all these bugs and it's been released!

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25 Dec 2007 03:53 #17
#27: The activate level editor function doesn't work. Even though I can press the button just fine, pressing F11 in a level does nothing.

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25 Dec 2007 09:59 #18
Why 1.02 ?

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25 Dec 2007 10:44 #19
Read top of post

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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26 Dec 2007 01:27 #20
Actually, there weren't very many things to fix.
-Learn the Random Force.dif (also uploaded mis for no reason )

I'll work on the intermediate fixes next. Can someone please reply to my suggestion about making Gym floor more uniform?

Also, can someone please upload and

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26 Dec 2007 01:39 #21
#28: In many levels, the message Checkpoint reached! occurs well before the marble even reaches the checkpoint (Dizzying Heights and TUFC are a few of these).

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26 Dec 2007 02:00 #22
Number 28 isn't a bug, you'll simply see the 2nd method had been used (Trigger + TSStatic) instead of 1st method (Checkpoint button)

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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26 Dec 2007 02:24 #23
Quote:Number 28 isn't a bug, you'll simply see the 2nd method had been used (Trigger + TSStatic) instead of 1st method (Checkpoint button)

In that case you can make the trigger smaller or bring it nearer to the pad.

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26 Dec 2007 02:29 #24
I decided in some points its useless to have it that close so I just gave it a huge range... no one cares and it cannot help for shortcuts anyway

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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26 Dec 2007 05:48 #25
Intermedite things fixed so far (for my purposes); will be updated.

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26 Dec 2007 07:33 #26
#29: When recording a demo, the engine should save what marble you were using in the moment of recording the demo in the .inf file. If you select the big marble, and go and play a demo that was recorded with a small marble, it'll screw up.

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26 Dec 2007 22:04 #27
Demos screw up a lot. I did one for Ground Zero and in the replay, the marble didn't even touch the nuke on which I originally jumped. I'm not numbering that because I don't think it can be fixed.

Anyway, I fear that there is a very large number of misalignments. Will report.

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27 Dec 2007 00:32 #28
If you guys check the changelog, I'm planning to save the marble that was used in the .inf file so it loads the exact same marble when you play the demo. I'm coding it right now.

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