TTMR and Ramp Madness added.
Some levels yet to categorize:
Dragged Up! - 34.50 (or 34.00 ?)
My Best Time: 31.xx
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Medium
Tip - Never let go of the keyboard keys and don't move to the right or left too much when going upwards!
Use an extreme fast start and try to make it central so that the marble will not move to the sides when going up. Get the Time Modifier and jump a bit after it, getting some extra boost by using that method. Go diagonally all the way up. Get the diamond, the Time Modifier, go backwards and jump as soon as possible so that you roll less (saving a bit of time) and aim for the goal!
Learning the Spin - 13.00
My Best Time: 10.91
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Medium
Start with a semi extreme fast start and grab the first diamond, jump to the second diamond and then roll down and jump twice (once on the floor and once on the ice) and get the time modifier. Hit the floor once and then get the next diamond on the re-bound.
Go to the right and get the next diamond. Now go forwards, jump on the slope of ice and grab the gem. Go to the right while in mid-air, jump on the floor and again on the ice, getting the next diamond and then go left and do the same again and then finish.
Crash Course - 12.50
My Best Time: 11.41
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Start with a semi extreme fast start to either side, go down and go backwards into the small room in order to get the first diamond. Now go diagonally, jump on the first platform and jump forwards and left towards and 3rd from left interior which is leaning towards you. If you manage to hit this one, you're shot in the air to the left. Immediatly stop on the path and then take a quick jump to the right (diagonally of course) and hit the floor + the slope (the 3rd white bump) and you get the time modifier. Going forwards and fall on the diamond.
Quickly go forwards, jump and get the last diamond and jump again, hit the wood slope and jump again to the left, hit for the last time the wood and jump again to the left to the finish.
Quaked Path - 8.50
My Best Time: 7.48
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Hard
At first it seems like it's going to be hard (and it will be), but it has a trick to it!
Start with a semi extreme fast start and SLOW DOWN as you go on the slope to the platform below you. Without wasting time, go diagonally left and the moving platform will align with your marble! This will help you to jump again forwards and left and the platform will align with you again! Jump again and make it almost near the diamond (at 4.xx seconds!).
This is the hard part. As you slowed down very quickly, you still don't have the diamond and you need to avoid the gaps! Unfortunately it's up to you now but you have a 3-4 seconds before the Ultimate Time passes, so just get the diamond quickly and make it to the finish.
Mountaintop Retreat – 15.50
My Best Time: 12.98
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Medium
Start with an extreme fast start and jump again before the slope (NOT ON THE SLOPE!) and make it up. Continue jumping and make it all the way to the Jump Boost (you should have 9.xx or 10.xx at this point).
Quickly Jump+Jump Boost yourself to the right and you're near the time modifiers. Go forwards (take your time! you have 2-3 seconds left to spare and the time modifiers are pretty close) and turn left and take both Time Modifiers. Grab the Speed Booster, jump and activate it and you'll make it up the slope pretty quickly. Jump until the Jump Boost and activate it to reach the goal.
Tip - No need to Jump+Jump Boost when reaching the last Jump Boost!
Cyclone Launch - 9.75
My Best Time: 9.38
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Very Hard
This is a difficult ultimate time to do (and no mistakes allowed!) on this simple level!
Start with an extreme fast start and jump once, then quickly slow down so that you don't go too fast so that the tornado can grab you and throw you up to the next floor. Press backwards so that you make it on the next platform. Turn left, let the tornado grab you upwards so you make it to the last platform.
This is the hard bit and you don't have much time: quickly get the tornado to grab you upwards and then when you are sure you're making the next platform, zoom in forwards and once you're on the last platform, press jump and you'll barely make it to the goal in time!
Avoiding Hazards - 3.95
My Best Time: 3.87
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Hard-Very Hard
Tip: Stay in diagonal the whole level!
Start with a semi extreme fast start to the right, and after you get the re-bound on the orange floor, jump again to the next platform and jump again to get to the orange slope. Jump again and pass everything and then jump all the way to the goal.
Take a Stroll – 6.50
My Best Time: 5.45
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Medium
Start with an extreme fast start and turn left and then stop. Turn the camera to face the time modifier and go forwards+right and jump on the slope of the start pad. Jump again to the time modifier and grab it. Go forwards and right and take the gem, go backwards quickly, grabbing the time modifier and using the white slope to get back up, and get the last gem. Jump to the finish.
Battlecube Revisited – 1:15.00
My Best Time: 1:05.54
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Hard
Start by going left and getting the diamond there, jump right and get the diamond and turn left, continue forwards and do a lap around the gap. Get all diamonds (5/30) and continue forwards to grab the Gravity Defyer to the brown floor. Turn right and get the diamond, then go all the way around the gap. Get the diamond (you don't need the Speed Booster) and go forwards and jump across the gap and get the diamond. Jump over the gap again, turn left and get the time modifier, jumping to the right and you get the diamond (10/30). Turn left and get the nearest Gravity Defyer to get to the pink floor.
Instead of getting the nearest diamond, go left and get the diamond, then jump across the gap to get that first diamond. Continue jumping from side to side, avoiding the Gravity Defyer, until you get all the 5 diamonds. Turn left and get the Gravity Defyer to the green floor.
Get the nearest diamond, go left and get a small head-start so that you can jump across the gap and get the floating diamond. Continue forwards and get the 3rd diamond, turn back, get the Jump Boost, the 4th diamond and turn around, jump across the gaps to get the 5th diamond (20/30). Go left and get the Gravity Defyer to the yellow area.
Get the nearest diamond, get a head start and get the floating diamond. Get the 3rd diamond and continue forwards in order to get the last two diamonds in this section (25/30).
Get the nearest Gravity Defyer to the brown floor and continue forwards to get the Gravity Defyer to the last floor (the yellow one).
Go left, get the diamond, go forwards and jump across the gap and get the diamond there. Turn right, get the diamond, continue forwards until the 4th diamond. Turn back, get the 5th diamond (30/30) and hit the last Gravity Defyer. Aim to the goal!
Note - you can get the 26th diamond (1st diamond on the last floor), go for the time modifier using the super jump and then turn left in order to get the 2nd diamond (27/30) and the continue as said above.
Technoropes – 12.75
My Best Time: 11.61
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Start with a semi extreme fast start to the right and turn left from the start. Go up the small tightrope and halfway through start to go forwards+left while rotating the camera to the right. As you get to its top, jump and you'll make it to the diamond (just barely!). Quickly go backwards and jump down the trim. Get the diamond in the cyclone while being launched upwards. Hit the tightrope to get the height needed to get the 3rd diamond. Make it to the goal as soon as possible by jumping down to the area with the cyclone and a jump to the right to get to the finish.
Bumpy Highway – 20.00
My Best Time: 17.81
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Start with a semi extreme fast start to the right but turn the camera so that your marble re-bounds half a sqaure left to the central position. Jump again before the pink slope and let the marble jump on the pink slope by itself, then let the marble hit the green part of the platform (at the end of it) and it gains speed. Jump on the green platform and then on the pink and you make it to the time modifier in sub-3 seconds.
Quickly re-bound and turn left to the diamond. Turn backwards, jump above the gap and then above the small bumps. Jump to the pink slope in front of you and jump on it again while pressing backwards+left and you'll make it to the 2nd diamond. Go left and quickly make it up to the 3rd diamond.
Go to the right-top corner and then diagonally move to the opposite corner and then jump to the green platform ahead. Use the pink slope to help you gain a bit of height (don't jump!) which will send you to the last diamond. Quickly jump on the pink slope and make it to the green platform and let the marble re-bound with speed and you'll make it across the gap to the goal.
Pool – 1:35.00
My Best Time: 1:17.12
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Easy
Start by just rotating the camera to the position of the nearest diamond to the right and simply go forwards. Slow down when you get the second diamond on the re-bound. Go back, get the diamond on the other left corner, then turn right, get the two diamonds and then turn right and get the remaining diamonds (8/25) and turn left and quickly wall-hit to get out. Get to the hot tub and get the next diamond. Go backwards and use the fan to shoot you up. Get the diamond over there and roll or jump on either of the three diamonds. Go and make a wall hit with the nearest walls.
Once all diamonds in this section are taken (13/25), go to the teleporter and teleport yourself to the other side.
As soon as you're falling down, go right and go down the gap. Go to the left and take all 5 diamonds in the hot tub and go on the small ramp and get the diamond there (19/25). Fall down quickly and take all the time modifiers and diamonds in order. Wall hit quickly and get out of the pool. Go left, go behind the teleporter and exit. Turn left and roll/jump to the finish.
Gym – 1:55.00
My Best Time: 1:41.33
Ultimate Time Difficulty: Hard
Start with an extreme fast start to the left and slow down on the brown platform some sqaures into it. Go near the wall and then go forwards+right and jump to the first diamond. Use the rug to get yourself up. Get the next two diamonds by using the small ramp. Exit that part and turn right (3/28).
Go forwards and stand near the bumper. Roll on it (the 2nd left-most orange strip) and get the diamond. Fall down, jump back up to the right and get the next diamond. Hit the floor, turn back, time your jump so that on the way up you get a diamond and in mid-air the second diamond (the one near both green walls) and then turn back and jump again and get the last diamond (8/28). Go forwards and get the diamonds from the right and then go forwards, turn left, get two diamonds, go left and get the last two diamonds (the ones near the wall) and go right and go up the floor. Quickly wall-hit so that you get one of the diamonds in mid-air and turn left and go up the sqaure-floor and then on the small tightrope and get the next diamond (16/28).
Turn right, get the diamond between the 4 small squares and the normal sqaure (use diagonal movement to squeeze in and out). Turn left and then 180 degs and get into the pipe. Get out of the pipe, go backwards and jump up the green floor. Turn right and jump forwards and get the diamond on the pipe and the one in front of it. Go left, jumping on the last two diamonds and quickly get out of the pipe. Go back through the pipe back to the outside.
Gain some speed and jump somewhat before the rug so that when you jump on it again you gain upward launch so that you can make it to the green pipe above. Enter it, go right, take the diamond, go backwards and then left and jump on the fan. Get the diamond up there and fall down. Quickly go left, grab the diamond (24/28) on the orange floor and grab one of the two Gravity Defyers.
Quickly fall down and locate the last Gravity Defyer. It should be further away from your position. Go forwards near the cyclone and try and grab two diamonds and out of its position. Quickly grab the last two diamonds and then quickly get to the last Gravity Defyer. Take it and aim into the gap and into the goal.
"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.