Every XYZ minutes, I will post my status of my health while I program tonight in PHP and SQL.
1:00AM - Slight headache, been up for 16 hours. A little thirsty, and feeling a little sleepy.
1:20AM - Same as before, but we (HiGuy and I) caught a bug and got mad at the SQL database. FIX'D
1:31AM - You know it's getting bad when you type "SELECT &" instead of "SELECT *" in your SQL query.
1:39AM - Outsourced update from HiGuy: (NSFW: Language)
1:45AM - After I blew up from the above, HiGuy showed me how to write a huge @$$ query. It's about 200 characters long. Mother of god...
2:02AM - you know its bad when you write your own SQL statement for ordering...when there's an ORDER BY command
2:05AM - This headache is getting worse
2:32AM - 80% complete, but got distracted by people on skype
2:43AM - stomach is hurting
I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.