StewMan46 wrote: Very nice start to your mod! A word of advice though: If you really want the mod to have awesome, stunning levels, then don't use the level editor all the time. Try your hand at Torque Constructor or QuArK to build some of your levels. That way, it'll show that you're using your imagination and not just sticking to the default MBG interiors. Just a word of advice! 
I would argue that it's using the default MBG interiors in new and innovative ways that shows you're using your imagination. Anyone can make whatever they want in Constructor, but making the same thing with the level editor can sometimes take more "out-of-the-box" thinking. Consider Technostick's levels for example. Do you realize that Master the Super Jump 3 was created exclusively with trapdoor.dif? Granted, Technostick went further out of the box into mission scripting to create this level (and others, mind you), but that's why he is a prime example of someone who epitomizes the idea of what it means to think creatively. Now, I'm not here to suggest that everyone has the skills (or, more appropriately, the will-power to learn the skills) to create the same
stunning levels with the LE that Technostick and many other great LE level designers can. But before Constructor/Quark became a thing, every level was done in the LE; people had to constantly be thinking outside the box to use the interiors in new ways (a lot of CLA levels are really well done; can't recall names but a large number of those levels are LE). Sometimes, using limited resources helps to embrace your imagination more than endless options will.
All that being said, I can't say that I
fully endorse what I've seen so far on this mod. But like anything, proficiency at something takes both patience and a yearn to learn. That's why most people don't finish mods.
To sum that all up, there is something to be gained by working with limitations. Endless options can sometimes be a hindrance to your creative side.
I love you, but your attitude is like that of a shrew. Your options? Take a pill or be my kill. Might I suggest that you wear a vest. Perish in class or be banished to the land of bluegrass, where dreams don't exist as you'll be eternally pissed.