file Marble Blast Trivia Leaderboard - Halloween 2014

  • Aayrl
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15 Oct 2014 04:47 - 02 Nov 2014 00:27 #1
Hey folks,

This post is built to house information pertaining to the Marble Blast Trivia event that occurred during the 2014 Halloween season. You may check the final official standings here.
Marble Blast Trivia Leaderboard

1. Frostfire --> 28.5

2. Nihahhat --> 25.5

3. Imperial --> 20
3. Regislian --> 20

4. Normanhayward --> 12
5. RC --> 10
6. promarbler14 --> 7.51
7. AnsonX10 --> 5
7. Kurt --> 5
8. BlastedMarble --> 3
8. Kwill --> 3
8. mfpwnsall --> 3
9. eguy5947 --> 2
9. Emil --> 2
9. ivan100sic --> 2
9. Loquendo --> 2
9. Sefaro --> 2
10. dushine --> 1
10. Lee Zi Xian --> 1
10. nathanisbored --> 1
10. Ralph --> 1
10. ThunderBow98 --> 1

Marble Blast Trivia Admins Leaderboard

1. IsraeliRD --> 24.5 Points

2. HiGuy --> 14 Points

3. Jeff --> 7 Points
Marble Blast Trivia Rules
The game is simple, and there are only a few rules you need to follow:

1. Anyone may participate by simply answering questions as they please.
2. EACH person is allowed ONE answer per question. If nobody answers the question correctly, a hint will be provided, and each person will be allowed a SECOND guess. After two minutes, the next question will be announced.
3. The first person to correctly answer the question will be awarded one point and their name will be announced as the winner of the point.
4. The points you win in today's game will be combined with points you win in future trivia events until November 1st, 2014.
5. The users with the top 5 points on November 1st, 2014 will be granted a special reward. All users who earn at least one point will also be granted a participation achievement.
6. If you believe a person was granted points incorrectly or that a solution may be incorrect, you may contest the situation by typing into chat "OBJECTION", followed by your reasoning. Objections that are deemed correct will award the player that objects with one point. Objections that are deemed incorrect will pose no penalty to the objecting player. However, if one player objects excessively, points may be deducted at our discretion.
Marble Blast Trivia Notes

- The commencement of a Trivia Event will be mentioned in this forum thread, as well as a 15 minute warning in the Leaderboards Chat system.
- Questions will be balanced between in-game and website knowledge pertaining to the world of Marble Blast.
- Each Trivia Event will consist of 15 questions : 13 questions worth one point, and 2 questions worth two points.
- You are only given one chance to answer each question, so think about your answer carefully. Ensure you're using proper names and including all words that might be part of an answer.
[hr]Good Luck, and have fun!
Last edit: 02 Nov 2014 00:27 by Aayrl.

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16 Oct 2014 17:01 #2
Unfortunately, I will be at school at the time of the next event :( But good luck to participants and hopefully I can make the next one!!

"it's the internet eguy. where children are men. men are monkeys, and women are PQ."
-Jeff 2014

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17 Oct 2014 03:01 - 19 Oct 2014 17:44 #3
Questions and Winners for 10/16/14 Trivia Night

Question 1: Who currently has the most Challenge Points?
Answer: Regislian
> Frostfire

Question 2: Name the Marble Blast Platinum level that consists of solely a large, moving interior.
Answer: Quaked Path or Cardcaddy's Diamond Collection
> HiGuy and Nihahhat

Question 3: Who was the lead designer for Marble Blast Advanced?
Answer: CyberFox
> HiGuy

Question 4: How many Easter Eggs are in Marble Blast Ultra?
Answer: 20
> HiGuy

Question 5: On what website was Marble Blast Platinum originally available for download?
Answer: PhilsEmpire or
> Lee Zi Xian

Question 6: Which classic arcade game inspired the level design of 'Marbletris'?
Answer: Tetris
> HiGuy

Question 7: This level was built by the lowest bidder.
Answer: Scaffold
> Frostfire

Question 8: Name the two powerups that were in Marble Blast Ultra, but not Marble Blast Gold.
Answer: Mega Marble and Ultra Blast
> Sefaro

Question 9: What is the default high score name with the time 99:59.99 in Marble Blast Gold?
Answer: Nardo Polo
> ThunderBow98

Question 10: Which Marble Blast Gold level has a super speed hidden inside the interior?
Answer: King of the Mountain
> Frostfire

Question 11: How many gaps are in the level "Pitfalls"?
Answer: 14
> HiGuy

Question 12: How many points does a Blue Gem award in a Marble Blast Multiplayer Match?
Answer: 5
> Frostfire

Question 13: /v15
Answer: SHAZBOT!
> Sefaro

Question 14 [2x Points]: Which level appeared in Marbler Blaster, but not Marble Blast?
Answer: Dive!
> Loquendo

Question 15 [2x Points]: Name the two marble skins that first made an appearance in Marble Blast Online.
Answer: Pumpkin and Eyeball
> RC (Ronaldo Cristiano)

Last edit: 19 Oct 2014 17:44 by Aayrl.

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17 Oct 2014 08:12 #4
Question 2: Name the Marble Blast Platinum level that consists of solely a large, moving interior.
If scenery is not included then CDC is right. Quaked path has scenery that is static.
Also "moving interior" is singular, not plural, so that rules out both, and the question also asks for "large".
Platform Race 1/2 has the moving platform + scenery move up with the player, making it the largest moving interior in MBP, but it does not consistent largely of that (it's more about challenges).

Fun knowledge :)

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.

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18 Oct 2014 19:49 #5
If you count custom Marble Blast Platinum online levels, Safe Platforms by Buzzmusic is one large moving interior (I think).

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19 Oct 2014 02:35 #6

Xx MOTB xX wrote: If you count custom Marble Blast Platinum online levels, Safe Platforms by Buzzmusic is one large moving interior (I think).

Most of it is. There are a few non-moving interiors though.

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19 Oct 2014 17:43 - 19 Oct 2014 17:44 #7
Questions and Winners for 10/19/14 Trivia Afternoon

Question 1: Who currently holds the highest Multiplayer rating?
Answer: RC
> Imperial

Question 2: Which Multiplayer Level asks you to blast your opponents but to beward to not blast yourself?
Answer: Blast Club
> IsraeliRD

Question 3: Name the 24th Intermediate Marble Blast Gold Level.
Answer: Upward Spiral
> IsraeliRD

Question 4: Name the PQ Multiplayer Level built by Moshe that is in MBP 1.50.
Answer: Lupus
> Jeff

Question 5: How many players have more than 4 million rating for Marble Blast Ultra? (Publicly)
Answer: 19
> HiGuy
> IsraeliRD

Question 6: How many moving platforms are in the Marble Blast Ultra level, Platform Party?
Answer: 3
> IsraeliRD

Question 7: How many times has the Marble Blast Gold Full Version (ZIP) been downloaded? (+/- 100)
Answer: 5829 (at time of question writing)
> Imperial

Question 8: What is the Par Score for Ramp Matrix, Multiplayer Version?
Answer: 20
> IsraeliRD

Question 9: What is the Par Time for Nukesweeper, MBP?
Answer: 30 seconds
> Jeff

Question 10: What Marble Blast Ultra level features its own, unique Leaderboard and achievement?
Answer: Black Diamond
> Imperial

Question 11: Who currently has the lowest time on Widow's Peak?
Answer: Xelna
> Dushine

Question 12: What famous Marble Blast Gold level starts the player inside a tornado, and also makes an appearance as a multiplayer level in MBP 1.50?
Answer: Eye of the Storm
> Jeff

Question 13: How many posts does Jeff have on the forums? (+/- 10 posts)
Answer: 2642
> Normanhayward

Question 14 [2x Points]: You need good speed and agility for this one.
Answer: Platform Race
> IsraeliRD

Question 15 [2x Points]: Don't let the slopes beat you! It's only four minutes long, anyway.
Answer: Ziggurat
> IsraeliRD

[BONUS POINT]:Type "IsraeliRDSux" into chat.
> Jeff

Last edit: 19 Oct 2014 17:44 by Aayrl.

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20 Oct 2014 18:45 - 20 Oct 2014 18:46 #8
Questions and Winners for 10/20/14 Trivia Afternoon

Question 1: What year did Marble Blast Gold release?
Answer: 2003
> Regislian

Question 2: 'Don't Jump' is which Marble Blast Platinum Expert Level? (#)
Answer: 16
> Regislian

Question 3: How many multiplayer games does one need to complete to become an established player?
Answer: 20
> Frostfire

Question 4: What hazard must you avoid in the Marble Blast Platinum level, 'Technoropes'?
Answer: A Tornado / A Cyclone
> Frostfire

Question 5: How many Marble Blast Gold, Platinum, and Ultra levels are on the leaderboards combined?
Answer: 280 (Excluding the MBG Xbox level)
> Imperial

Question 6: What is the first non-inventory Power-Up encountered in the Marble Blast Gold Beginner Level Sequence?
Answer: Time Travel
> Imperial

Question 7: This level is an unforgettable moving platform challenge.
Answer: Morph
> Ralph

Question 8: How many multiplayer levels were included originally in Marble Blast Ultra?
Answer: 20
> Frostfire

Question 9: Name the two main video game 'genres' that classify Marble Blast.
Answer: Puzzle and Arcade Platform
> Imperial

Question 10: Who is the author of the first Beginner Marble Blast Platinum level?
Answer: Phil
> Regislian

Question 11: What time on the leaderboards would accidentally grant the player a million rating on Scaffold in MBP RC1?
Answer: 16:40.00 or 00:00.00
> Frostfire

Question 12: Which Marble Blast Ultra level teaches you how to use the Blast powerup?
Answer: Marble Melee Primer
> Frostfire

Question 13: The Achievement 'Speediest Marble on the Block!' requires the user to beat what level in under 12 seconds?
Answer: Black Diamond
> Imperial

Question 14 [2x Points]: You'll feel very dizzy indeed at the end of this.
Answer: Bump Your Head!
> Frostfire

Question 15 [3x Points]: Watch your step...
Answer: Will o' the Wisp (Corrected to Will o' Wisp)
> Regislian
> (0.5 to Frostfire for reading my text file)

Last edit: 20 Oct 2014 18:46 by Aayrl.

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21 Oct 2014 12:37 #9

I've moved the Trivia event scheduled for today at 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST. I am the only player online at 8:40 AM, so I'd rather have more than 2 players answering the questions at 9 ;)


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25 Oct 2014 21:33 - 25 Oct 2014 22:14 #10
Questions and Winners for 10/25/14 Trivia Afternoon

Question 1: How many mines are in the MBG Beginner Level "Mine Field"?
Answer: 32
> AnsonX10

Question 2: What is the default Team Color when creating a Team in Multiplayer?
Answer: Red
> RC

Question 3: What is the MBU version of the MBG level "Pathways"?
Answer: Schadenfreude
> Regislian

Question 4: How many red gem spawns are there in the Multiplayer version of "King of the Marble"?
Answer: 8
> RC

Question 5: Name a Multiplayer Level from MBU/MBO where more than one gem spawn on top of each other.
Answer: Bowl or Marble City
> Imperial
> IsraeliRD

Question 6: Woah! I know marble-fu!
Answer: Ramp Matrix
> Nihahhat
> IsraeliRD

Question 7: Who is the level author for "The Wave", MBG?
Answer: Kevin Ryan
> Regislian

Question 8: What is the MBP Equivalent of Black Diamond?
Answer: Ice Diamond
> Imperial
> HiGuy

Question 9: Welcome to the Intermediate Levels!
Answer: Triple Decker
> AnsonX10

Question 10: How many seconds do you have to get around the track on the MBG Level "Moto-Marblecross"?
Answer: 32 seconds
> Imperial
> IsraeliRD

Question 11: Name the "Official Multiplayer" level from RC1 that was changed to a "Custom Multiplayer" level in RC2.
Answer: Gym
> Imperial
> IsraeliRD

Question 12: Beat the Par, The Birdie and the Eagle!
Answer: Mini Marble Golf
> Nihahhat

Question 13: What was the original gold time for the Marble Blast Gold level, "Ramps Reloaded"?
Answer: 15 seconds
> Imperial
> IsraeliRD

DOUBLE DOWN ROUND! The next two questions are worth TWO points each!

Question 14 [2x Points]: Name the two MBP Levels that use the exact same interior.
Answer: Downhill Racing and Uphill Racing
> Imperial

Question 15 [2x Points]: In Server Settings under Port Mapping, it shows three possible options: Successful, Loading and _______
Answer: LAN Only
> promarbler14
> Regislian
> -5 IsraeliRD for bad question


LIGHTNING ROUND! The first person to respond to the prompt correctly earns one point!

Lightning Question 1: Type "dushine" backwards!
Answer: enihsud
> Regislian

Lightning Question 2: Sometimes /me waves their arms around and dances
Answer: First Player to type /me waves their arms around and dances
> Promarbler14

Lightning Question 3: Type something using bold font!
Answer: Anything surrounded by bold tags. Bonus point for bolding the word "something"
> mfpwnsall
> IsraeliRD
> No bonus points :(

Lightning Question 4: Call Jeff a pleb!
Answer: First Player to call Jeff a pleb in chat
> RC
> HiGuy

Lightning Question 5 [Everyone Who Answers Earns a Point]: Type "PQ"
Answer: PQ
> Nihahhat
> RC
> Regislian
> Imperial
> mfpwnsall
> AnsonX10
> promarbler14
> nathanisbored
> HiGuy
> IsraeliRD

Last edit: 25 Oct 2014 22:14 by Aayrl.

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26 Oct 2014 02:06 #11
I thought I did type something. :C Maybe I did it too late.

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26 Oct 2014 19:33 #12
Questions and Winners for 10/26/14 Trivia Afternoon

Question 1: How many "Battlecube" levels are in the Battlecube Series for MBP?
Answer: 4
> Nihahhat
> IsraeliRD

Question 2: Progress along the uber-styled, technical floors!
Answer: NeonTech
> ivan100sic
> IsraeliRD

Question 3: How many gems are in the MBG level, "Marble Materials Lab"?
Answer: 3
> Nihahhat
> IsraeliRD

Question 4: Which Super Challenge makes you play all 100 Marble Blast Gold levels?
Answer: Golden Nugget
> Normanhayward

Question 5: How many signs are in the MBG level, "Learning to Roll?"
Answer: 3 (Yes, including the finish sign)
> Emil

Question 6: What level may grant you the challenge achievement 'Here for the Scenery' if you win the challenge?
Answer: A Walk in the Park
> Regislian
> HiGuy

Question 7: How many levels are in the Director's Cut Custom Level Pack?
Answer: 27
> Normanhayward
> HiGuy

Question 8: How many trap doors are in the MBG level, "Scaffold"?
Answer: 13
> Imperial
> IsraeliRD

Question 9: To be "Multiplayer's Best", you need to win how many FFA Multiplayer Games?
Answer: 500
> Normanhayward
> HiGuy

Question 10: what Point-Earning Gem Color is not found in the Multiplayer Level "Bowl"?
Answer: Red
> Imperial
> 0.5 Nihahhat (missed a letter in their guess)
> IsraeliRD

Question 11: What is Schadenfreude's Ultimate Time?
Answer: 30 / 30 seconds / 30s
> ivan100sic

Question 12: Who is the author of the Marble Blast Platinum level, "Medieval Maze"?
Answer: Lonestar
> Nihahhat
> IsraeliRD

Question 13: What is the first inventory power-up encountered by players in Marble Blast Gold if playing through the levels in sequence?
Answer: Super Jump
> Imperial
> Jeff

Question 14 [2x Points]: The Interior 'Shimmy.dif' was used in which two MBG levels?
Answer: Shimmy and Tango
> Imperial
> IsraeliRD

Question 15 [2x Points]: What is the second level in the "Oldies Race 4" Super Challenge?
Answer: Danger Zone
> Nihahhat
> HiGuy

SEEEECRET BONUS QUESTION: The first person to name the LAST five MBU Beginner Levels IN ORDER (smallest # to largest #) gets 3 points!
Answer: Skate Park, Ramp Matrix, Half-Pipe, Jump Jump Jump!, Upward Spiral
> 1.5 to Regislian (not in correct order)
> 1.5 to Normanhayward (correct order)


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30 Oct 2014 02:44 - 30 Oct 2014 02:46 #13
Questions and Winners for 10/29/14 Trivia Afternoon

Question 1: How many players have above 1500 multiplayer rating? (Website Rankings)
Answer: 46
> Nihahhat
> Frostfire

Question 2: Name MBP Advanced Level 12.
Answer: Slope Madness
> Frostfire

Question 3: What series of super challenges do you need to win in order to obtain the achievement, "Archaic"?
Answer: The Oldies Race Super Challenges / Oldies / Oldies Race
> Regislian

Question 4: What is the color of the second arrow sign in the MBP level, "Let's Roll"?
Answer: Aqua/Blue/Teal
> Frostfire

Question 5: How many players have over 6 million rating on the MBU leaderboard?
Answer: 5
> Regislian

Question 6: Master your aerial skills!
Answer: Hop Skip and a Jump
> Frostfire
> Emil
> 0.5 to promarbler14

Question 7: Five Red and Two Yellow...
Answer: 9
> Frostfire

Question 8: What about Eight Blue and Four Red?
Answer: 44
> Regislian

Question 9: What multiplayer level is featured in the Staff vs. Community event YouTube video?
Answer: Lupus
> Frostfire

Question 10: On what date did MBP 1.50 officially release?
Answer: October 28th, 2014.
> Nihahhat
> 0.01 to Promarbler

Question 11: Elevator mayhem!
Answer: Tower Maze
> Kwill

Question 12: What is HiGuy's User ID?
Answer: 258
> promarbler14

Question 13: To earn the achievement "Pinball Wizard", you need to beat the level in under how many seconds?
Answer: 10
> Nihahhat

Question 14 [2x Points]: What is "The Dragon's Destiny"?
Answer: Attain 60 million points on the overall leaderboards
> Frostfire
> Jeff

Question 15 [2x Points]: Who is the two year old level builder?
Answer: IsraeliRD / Matan
> Kwill

Last edit: 30 Oct 2014 02:46 by Aayrl.

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02 Nov 2014 00:19 - 02 Nov 2014 00:21 #14
Questions and Winners for 11/1/14 Final Trivia Event
NOTE: The point values for these questions were awarded RANDOMLY as the questions were assigned by a true-random number generator for values between 1 and 10. Each online player was only allowed to answer one question. The point values for each question were not announced when the question was annoucned (disclosed as ??? Points).

For Ten Points... /me would like a point.
Answer: /me would like a point.
> Nihahhat

For Two Points... Do you like Marble Blast?
Answer: I like Marble Blast.
> promarbler14

For Five Points... Red Gem or Blue Gem?
Answer: Blue Gem
> Kurt

For Seven Points... /me would like four points even more.
Answer: /me would like four points even more.
> Normanhayward

For Eight Points... /msg Aayrl FUBAR WHERe?
Answer: /msg Aayrl FUBAR WHERe?
> Frostfire

For Two Points... Name the two admins online right now.
Answer: HiGuy, Aayrl
> EGuy

For Four Points... What version of MBP are we playing on?
Answer: 1.50
> RC

Last edit: 02 Nov 2014 00:21 by Aayrl.

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