exclamation-circle STOP DeluXe | NEW UPDATE (1.9uX)

  • Jiquor
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17 Apr 2023 22:51 - 04 Dec 2023 23:46 #1
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Welcome to the successor of STOP II, STOP DeluXe, also known as STOPX! If you're wondering how DeluXe was chosen, our roman numerals for two (II) when crossed diagonally and infused with each other, make an X.

Our newest installment of the STOP Trilogy is finally here. (Wow, after Jiquor said he wasn't updating anymore. How hypocritical.)
Welcome to the successor of Marble Blast STOP II and STOP II, STOP DeluXe (STOPX)! This project lasted from September 1, 2022 to April 12, 2023, with about a total of seven years of planning and months of building and testing. As underrated as this modification is, the entire STOP DeluXe Team spent countless hours, some without sleep, working on this project since Marble Blast STOP II was coined in 2017, totaling around seven years of development. Now we've finally achieved this wonderful dream we've been working hard on implementing in the background for that long, STOP DeluXe, also known as STOPX. There are many things to see in this modification, so take your time and enjoy.

Unfortunately, it has become a Windows only program for now. If you have such a machine, are you ready to help Captain S. Marble recover his lost Teapots and return to Palladium Village with all of his friends and Palladium Village's citizens? We have spent many months, if not many years over time, making sure this dream happens, and now the time is nigh after many, many years. New features include Construction Zones (a.k.a, the long-awaited "Challenge Mode"), global leaderboards, a built-in recording system, statistics and a better Awards system, particle effects, organized D.L.C. content, and much, much more. This also marks the first time a Marble Blast game has been connected to the Internet since Marble Blast Fubar.

Captain S. Marble is enjoying his time with Palladium Village citizens and his close friends in the Road Sign Clan. On this day, an eerie thick gray fog looms over S. Marble's hometown blown by a strong wind. As the fog spreads further across the land, huge blue spiky meteorites suddenly begin falling out of the sky creating large craters in the ground, freezing citizens to their doom, and capturing Captain S. Marble's companions in cramped prisons. As meteorites wreck the town, Captain S. Marble rushes inside Marble Mansion, his beloved home, to save as many of his Teapots from becoming shattered. Instead, he discovers that every Teapot in his collection had been whisked away!
As The Captain leaves his mansion, a thunderous sound booms above, causing The Captain to rush outside and look up, and he sees a gigantic gray U.F.O.. He ascends to the roof of Marble Mansion hoping to reach the spacecraft, but something dark and broken with an orange hue throws Captain S. Marble across space and time... He tumbles through a portal behind his home.
Captain S. Marble awakens far away from Palladium Village. A sign tells him that he's in Beginner Universe, a pocket universe inside the main universe. Shimmering lights shine from various Beginner Worlds as far as the eye can see. Captain S. Marble's radar signals that they're his missing Teapots!
At first, he is alone. Soon, more citizens arrive through the portal, looking hopeful. Captain S. Marble allows them all to join the treacherous quest of finding a way back to Palladium Village. The Road Sign Clan discovers that energy from these Teapots must be harvested to reach Palladium Village... It takes one roll, one World at a time...

Change-log (download the game and join the Discord to view more changes!):
The following list is all the relevant changes listed.
To view additional information, visit our Discord server.
CURRENT VERSION (STOP DeluXe 1.0 [1.5uX]):
+++ ADDED CHALLENGE MODE TO STOP DELUXE. These special missions are called "Construction Zones" to fit with the game's road/racing theme. This is something that was a goal since Marble Blast STOP II 1.0, and now it's finally here. We'd like to thank Whirligig for M.B.P.U.'s Mod API and the following people for implementing creative challenges:]
  • - Jiquor
    - TeslaFather
    - Old Greg
    - PrincessApple
    - Taproot
    - milosoot
    - Minty
    - phyrex1anreb1rth
    - BlueLulu
    - 3 Anonymous Users
    - Whirligig231 (psuedo & code assistance)
    - RandomityGuy
    - Beta7X26
    - infinitefire96
    - The Tekannabrand Team
    - Thornpath (before 1.4u1)
+ Added rich presence via Discord. Thanks, RandomityGuy.
+ Recording capabilities have been added and upgraded.
+ Added a new title screen, icon, watermark.
+ Added global leaderboards and local times, making this the first major on-line modification since PlatinumQuest. Huge thanks to RandomityGuy.
IMPORTANT: All World Records MUST now be submitted through the Discord AND through STOP DeluXe 1.5 in the '.mbsr' format.
+ Added RandomityGuy to the STOP DeluXe Team! This update could NOT have happened without you.
+ Statistics have been added to STOP DeluXe! Keep track of your game all in one place by pressing the Game Progress button.
+ Added a refurbished main menu button.
+ Revamped the Stage Selector, Options and Manual menus.
+ Made it so you can choose between old and new physics through the revamped options menu.
+ Added physics indicators to best times.
+ Added username identification and creation.

~ Revamped the Options and World Select menus.
~ Fixed the stopwatch weirdly speeding up by 1.5x-2x after 16 minutes of running time for the clock.
~ Reordered the Awards list into various respective categories.
~ Google Sheet World Record Book is a legacy. It can be viewed in the Website Menu on the main menu for all versions.
REMEMBER: All World Records MUST now be submitted through the Discord AND through STOP DeluXe 1.5 in the '.mbsr' format.
~ Blasting now completely clears without quick respawning.
Unfortunately, this makes some world records null and void.
~ Sorted DLC missions by categories.

- Removed X1101Ball64.ou2
- Removed unnecessary game and marble code for unused things.
- Hidden several awards only obtainable by chance.
- Removed some physics settings and other settings across the installers.

Want more information about future changes and events? (Real prizes offered!)
Check out our STOP DeluXe Discord server.

We hope you enjoy your time playing this new update and I am personally super happy you have chosen to stick alongside our journey for a very long time. In the last year, our modification hit a total of 4000 downloads, and we can't wait to see how STOPX succeeds beyond STOP II. Thanks for all the support.

Happy marbling!
- Jiquor
Tekannabrand, Inc.
The STOPX Team

We know folks tend to not say much on this forum, but if you want to show your appreciation for the work we've done as a team all these years, just let us know how you feel about STOP DeluXe by replying to this thread and sharing what your positive comments and constructive feedback. You may also visit us on Discord or e-mail us to leave appreciative feedback or constructive suggestions.

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.
Last edit: 04 Dec 2023 23:46 by Jiquor. Reason: explain why branding changed
The following user(s) said Thank You: Steven

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19 Apr 2023 09:44 - 24 Apr 2023 21:12 #2
New update available! STOP DeluXe 1.0.6 (1.5uX)
This update fixes the following issues:

+ Added ⁠activities, coming soon.

~ Fixed an issue where lag would happen the more you restart or quick-reset any stage.
~ With thanks to BellMatt78, we fixed an issue where thunder and lightning would become available in other areas after BCZ23 was completed or exited.
~ The CZs with ambience have been fixed.
~ Fixed a bug where leaderboards would display Construction Zone scores when the button was toggled, then the Constructions button was pressed.
~ Fixed a bug where NEW MESSAGE! would not show up when a new Message of the Day has been written.
~ Minor Text Fixes

Download it here: www.mediafire.com/file_premium/g32stkrp1...STOP_DeluXe.exe/file
Additionally, if you lose your save or your leaderboard account after updating, please let us know.

Thank you!
The STOPX Team

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.
Last edit: 24 Apr 2023 21:12 by Jiquor. Reason: New Update
The following user(s) said Thank You: Steven

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25 Apr 2023 08:58 #3
We believe this is the end of our frequent updates after a week of bug fixing. If you have been waiting to play again or waiting to play after 1.0.6 was released, this may now be the time!

Thanks to those who have played and reported issues so far that have led STOPX to become much more stable. We couldn't have done it without going public, and without folks like you! Thank you.

The STOPX Team

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.

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  • Jiquor
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06 Jun 2023 21:27 #4
New update available! STOP DeluXe 1.0.7 (1.5uX)
To view more changes, download the game and join our Discord Server
This update fixes the following issues:

+ Added Activities and put in support for new events coming up in the foreseeable future. Play Activities to win some cool prizes, like gift cards (valued for REAL money!), free Pentagons, or the ability to unlock marbles or entire Universes. No purchase necessary.
+ Added Elite Marbles. Complete certain requirements to unlock them. You can also play previous events to unlock them.

~ Fixed an issue where the credits would not appear on Story 7.
~ Fixed an issue where stage skipping awards would not be awarded properly.
~ Fixed issues with the following Construction Zones:
~ Advanced 19
~ Beginner 13
~ Beginner 45 (RECORDS RESET)
~ Expert 7
~ Expert 8 (RECORDS RESET)
~ Intermediate 24
~ Intermediate 28
~ Intermediate 30

- Removed and altered the Bunny Explosion Event. You can still beat it for the Secret Award. You just have to look for the Bunny Flash Game from the STOPX Wiki first.

Download it here: www.mediafire.com/file_premium/g32stkrp1...STOP_DeluXe.exe/file
Additionally, if you lose your save or your leaderboard account after updating, please let us know.

Thank you!
The STOPX Team

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.

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  • Jiquor
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07 Jun 2023 17:56 #5
New Update Available! STOP DeluXe 1.0.7u1o2 (1.5uX)
This update fixes the following issues:

~ Fixed a bug where stages wouldn't unlock properly after beating the previous one of a required Universe.
~ Fixed a bug where marbles would be bought for double the amount advertised on the Marble Store.
~ Fixed a bug where welcome.txt changelog.txt license.txt were not available from the Start Menu

Download it here: www.mediafire.com/file_premium/g32stkrp1...STOP_DeluXe.exe/file
Additionally, if you lose your save or your leaderboard account after updating, please let us know.

Thank you!
The STOPX Team

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.

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  • Jiquor
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08 Jun 2023 01:15 #6
New Update Available! STOP DeluXe 1.0.8
This update fixes the following issues:

+ Added the Elite Marbles to the Discord Awards registrations.

~ Solved a problem where synchronization for buying marbles and stages were not syncing properly.
~ Resolved an issue where buying stages was worth double the price.
~ Fixed a problem where Unlocked Marble count wouldn't update after unlocking an Elite Marble

Removed a creepy hollow bowling ball with sharp teeth from Stage 39. We think that octagonal chamber might be safe again.

Download it here: www.mediafire.com/file_premium/g32stkrp1...STOP_DeluXe.exe/file
Additionally, if you lose your save or your leaderboard account after updating, please let us know.

Thank you!
The STOPX Team

IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR: Two Activities are now going on!
Activity 1: Find the final Jump Scare and upload proof/media about it. There is one final jump scare that remains undiscovered in STOPX. Once you find it, you will have discovered them all. We're not telling you the odds or how it's found, but if you're the first to discover this and we'll award you 5,000 Pentagons and allow you to skip whatever next packet that you haven't fully unlocked yet. DEADLINE: Until the first person discovers and reports it.
Activity 2: Get the fastest time on Vanilla Vale. Once you beat it, submit your time to ⁠activities or ⁠speed-running . DEADLINE: June 16, 2023 | $10 Gift Card up for grabs!**

P.S. Thanks everyone for your patience. To compensate for these amount of updates and downtime, check the Message of the Day in-game for a surprise.
That is all.
We are STOPX.

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.

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06 Jul 2023 10:42 #7
New update available! STOP DeluXe 1.1u0 (1.6uX)
Please download the game to view the rest of the changelog.
This update fixes the following issues:

+ Jewels are falling out of the sky! Collect as many as you can, and by the end of the month, we will tally up your totals. Cool prizes are being offered. Check marbleblast.com and STOPX Discord to learn more.
+ Added world record viewing. When the camera turns red (by viewing the leaderboards), press it to view the top record holder's Instant Replay.
+ Added a special Secret Course theme, by FoxerTails.
+ Added a better way to track GO Times.

~ Fixed a time issue with BCZ 45 and XCZ 8. [ Records Reset ]
~ Resolved a major issue with BCZ 49, and rewrote the entire scenario. [ Records Reset ]
~ Fixed an issue where the main platform stops in ICZ 18. [ Records Reset ]
~ Fixed an issue where power-ups were still visible on ICZ 32. [ Records Reset ]
~ Fixed an issue where viewing an Instant Replay of Advanced Construction Zones 1 and 4 (ACZ 1, ACZ 4) would crash the game.
~ Fixed a huge skipping problem on DLC 140. [ Records Reset ]
~ Fixed an issue where Hidden Awards weren't really hidden.

- Removed power-ups from all Secret Course themed Construction Zones. [ Records Reset ]
- Removed the separate No Beacon Teapots as they are redundant in Construction Zones anyways.
- Removed the large Pentagon bitmaps.
- A hollowed out bowling ball kept crashing the game. We forced it out of here, and we hope it doesn't come back ever again.

Download it here: www.mediafire.com/file_premium/g32stkrp1...STOP_DeluXe.exe/file
Additionally, if you lose your save or your leaderboard account after updating, please let us know.

Thank you!
The STOPX Team

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.

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09 Aug 2023 23:23 #8
New update available! STOP DeluXe 1.2 (1.7uX)
Please download the game to view the rest of the change log.
Change log:

+ Revamped the entire Marble Store into the all-new Marble Catalog. From now on, when you purchase marbles, you will be shown a grid-based catalog containing marbles from select categories. Marbles are easier to view, purchase, and inspect. The Marble Catalog adds full descriptions of the marble, sorting categories, a new purchasing system, sale status, and much more.
+ Added server-sided maintenance. Whenever STOPX goes into maintenance, you will encounter connectivity and playing issues. This change limits the amount of times we have to push forced updates.
+ Added World Record Reporting. When you click the Leaderboards button, there will be a Report button on the bottom right corner of the screen. If you find that a World Record violates the rules, there is a problem, or if time is out of sync by a huge amount, please report abuse and we will take care of it. Abusing the report system will result in a ban from STOP DeluXe, so please read your Rules section of the license agreement carefully before you use the Report Abuse system.
+ Added World Record Messages to the STOPX Discord Server. From now on, when you get a World Record, it displays on the STOP DeluXe #speed-running channel if there are ten or more records in Normal Worlds, and five or more records in Construction Zones.

~ Fixed a bug where Instant Replays submit if you fail to qualify (a.k.a., failing to stop in time).
~ Fixed an issue where restarting STOP DeluXe would change your marble from whatever you selected to Captain S. Marble.
~ Fixed an issue where screen sizes would rarely not save for some users
~ Fixed a bug with the song "Are You Asking for a Challenge!?" because it was crashing STOPX after the song finished playing once in-game.

- Removed the July Jewels event.
- Removed off-sale, Special, and Elite Marbles from total marble count, as shown in the Statistics menu in STOP DeluXe.
- Removed a demon-like-entity from the depths of Pandora's Pitfall. If anyone reports it again, we'll call in an exorcist.

If you lose your leaderboard account after updating, please let us know.

Thank you!
The STOPX Team

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.

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14 Oct 2023 22:01 #9
New update available! STOP DeluXe 1.3 (1.8uX)
Please download the game to view the rest of the change log.

+ Released the first wave of STOP I (previously known as "Marble Blast STOP"), which includes ten Beginner Worlds and one of every other Universe from Marble Blast STOP.
+ Added an Experience Points & Level Up system. Rank up for wonderful rewards!

This also is another good reason to start differentiating between Stage (a.k.a., "World") and Level for STOP DeluXe, since they are now two entirely different mechanics aside from what the dictionaries say.

+ Added a toggle for Jump Scares after major popular demand. They are disabled by default. Enable them to get Hidden Awards and Bonus XP/Pentagons!
+ Added a total conversion of the World/Universe and Ending Screens.
+ Added a new Accounts System to the STOPX Menu. Set your birthday and e-mail for great rewards and newsletters!

NOTE: Tekannabrand will not share, sell, or disclose your birthday or e-mail to third parties as part of our privacy policy as described in-game.

+ Added local replay saving. Save funny moments in STOPX and share them with your community anytime.
+ Added Stage searching. If you are having trouble finding a Stage, use the Search Menu to narrow down what Stage you want to play.

~ Fixed a bug where final times were displaying incorrectly, causing inconsistencies between Leaderboard and Personal Times.
~ Fixed a bug where you couldn't open the cannon award
~ Fixed an issue where Particle Distance was displaying as a horizontally stretched text item in the Options Menu.

Removed the loading screen from replays as it is redundant.
Removed the legacy camera system.
Called in a ministry of elite priests to bless STOPX which removed multiple scary enemies. We can thank them for the new jump scare toggle, thus we should not see them in STOPX ever again.

If you lose your leaderboard account after updating, please let us know.

Thank you!
The STOPX Team

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.

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04 Dec 2023 23:48 #10
New update available! STOP DeluXe 1.3.4 (1.9uX) This is a forced update that everyone should know about.
You need to download the installer again for this update to be completed.
Delete any old installers to not confuse your Windows machine when updating STOP DeluXe.

Select the Repair button when you are updating your Windows application.
This will start the update process so you will not lose your saved data or recordings.

If there is an issue with your save, please message [email protected] or contact Tekannabrand on Discord immediately.

Relevant Changelog:
+ The fourth wave of STOP I Redux has now been released. Enjoy playing enhanced and remastered versions of Intermediate Stages 2 - 6 from Marble Blast STOP. The next wave is scheduled in mid-December.
+ You can now delete individual Local Instant Replays anytime. Go to the "Local Replays" button and press "Open Replays Folder" or "Delete" to take action. This is also in preparation for our BEST Time Rampage event.
+ Re-added the pause screen in some Construction Zones where you couldn't pause before.
+ The Shield power-up has been buffed up! Now you can use it to ignore slippery frictions.

~ Fixed a visual issue where "Exit Level" was displaying on the pause screen, it is now "Exit Area" to differentiate between Stages (the areas in which you roll the marble around) and Levels (the ranking system where you earn Experience Points (EXP.) to Level Up)
~ Fixed an issue where Jumps and Fails would sometimes go in the six-figure range on the Stage clear screen
~ Fixed a bug where you couldn't select DirectX in the settings menu
~ Fixed an issue where culling, particle distance, and controls were not saving properly
~ Fixed a bug where sounds from bunnies, buttons, Secondglasses, etc. were turning the sound volume up to the maximum setting.
~ Reworked the Hidden Worlds when you Level Up to 20 and 40.

Haven't stopped some marbles in STOP DeluXe yet? Press this button below!
If you lose your leaderboard account after updating, please let us know.

Thank you!
The STOPX Team

STOPX Creator. Getting better by every release.

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20 Dec 2023 16:08 #11
Congratulations to the STOP DeluXe Team on the release of STOPX! The dedication and hard work over seven years truly show in this impressive Marble Blast modification. The addition of Construction Zones, global leaderboards, and various enhancements make it a must-play. Kudos to the team for pushing the boundaries and creating an engaging experience. Looking forward to more success beyond STOP II!

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