I was introduced to the game. This was also the year that I learned the cheat codes Testcheats=1; and defaultmarble.gravity=2;. I also learned how to unlock levels, so I did that. My skills weren't the best, ofcourse, as I was only a young child. I couldn't pass such levels like Half-Pipe Elite, Gauntlet, and Grand Finale...
Things got bigger. I would have MBG on all the computers in my house, and play it forever. This was also the year that I stayed up 'till 4:30 in the morning playing Twisting the Night Away , no joke.
My break from MBG or even MB all-together. At the beginning of 2007 is when I discovered these forums. During this period I have gotten new computers, so Marble Blast was gone altogether. In 2008 my dad got a YouTube, but gave it to me in 2010.
We bought MBG for my birthday this year. I began to make levels in the LE... Forgot completely about the forums during this period, therefore had no clue about Constructor or QuArK...
I then took quite a break from MBG until September of 2010. This is where the real stuff happens... My dad gave me his YouTube, and I began uploading on September 18, 2010. From this time all the way until now, I've played Marble Blast. In December of 2010 is when I first talked to Matan on YouTube, after seeing his LE guide, asking him about interiors. Hence, I discovered Constructor. During this month I also went back to the forums, going there (here) for help with custom-level building. I also talked to Pokko about a Map2Dif problem... I learned Constructor a little bit, but dropped it after like a week, and never picked it up again until May 30, 2011.
This month (December, 2010) is also where I decided to look through the mods board and actually explore this forum. I discovered MBP, and downloaded it, and enjoyed it! I also discovered MBOpal, and when I realized they needed a music-maker, I hopped right to their forums! That was the day I first talked to Jeff, Ian, and Greg. When I made them 2 tracks, I was accepted as staff!
Let's not forget that this is also when I started MBSuperStar! When I realized that you could mod and make MBG, I got my ideas and plans out! You guys don't even know how long I've wanted to create a game... I learned all the aspects, and am currently learning how to use the programs I need for it...
This month was more of a pausing period for me. I slowed down on MBG, picked up on MBP, and worked more tracks for MBO... Jeff has also really helped me in coding - IDR if it was this month or February, but I was learning how to modify .mis files, game.cs, triggers.cs and more!
I think here is when I learned init.cs, but I honestly don't remember what happened at all this month...
I created some friction textures for MBS, and Jeff created some interior tests for me... I coded new frictions, and voila! New frictions!
When I went to open up Constructor again, that's where my problems cam in... About memory... Me and Jeff argued talked about it, and it came to where I needed more RAM...
This is when I decided to join the forums! When the MBO Forums moved, I joined there and then came here! From that day to this day I think is the period I've spent the most time on MB-Related stuff... I also created my forums, and got Constructor working, and built my first true custom level! I want to thank everybody out there for giving me a great understanding of Marble Blast, Level Building, coding, modding, etc., and I especially want to thank these people: Jeff, Matan, Pablo, Pokko, Ian, Greg, Mato, and the rest of the MBO Team, as they've helped me numerously with different tasks, and the staff of MBS: NaCl and Amun-Ra! Thank you everyone and this is my Marble Blast history!
I love you, but your attitude is like that of a shrew. Your options? Take a pill or be my kill. Might I suggest that you wear a vest. Perish in class or be banished to the land of bluegrass, where dreams don't exist as you'll be eternally pissed.