Hi everyone,

For quite a while now we have known that Mac users who play Marble Blast Gold are at an advantage over Windows users when it comes to 'Internal Clock' levels. The reason behind it, to quote HiGuy: "...the Mac engine was already unlocked, without any modification. For some reason (probably a bug on GG's part), the Mac engine does not lock FPS to 60 by default. On Windows, this bug is the opposite, where you cannot unlock the framerate."

We recently discussed the matter and came up with a solution: to use Derpking's Framerate Unlocker mod, which allows MBG to reach 1000fps. By regular SDA rules this is forbidden as this modifies original game code. However I discussed it with them and as the game behvarior does not change in any other way, it can be accepted for use.

These are the new standards for World Records and all players of this community are expected to follow them:
- Marble Blast Gold (Vanilla): Framerate Unlocker is recommended to be used by default. It is up to a player's discretion whether to use it or not for any level.
- Marble Blast Gold (Vanilla): Unlocker does not break the .recs, thus you must submit in .rec format your World Records. Restart-Screenshot glitch WRs must use Video Proof (.avi,.mp4) and CAN use the Framerate Unlocker mod. See WRR4 rules for video submission.

In addition to that, the following applies:
- Marble Blast Platinum: Internal Clock WRs will not be removed from the Leaderboards
- Marble Blast Platinum: the previously announced 60fps timer won't be implemented, instead the timer will continue to be unlocked as its current state.

Download the Framerate Unlocker mod for Marble Blast Gold: Windows version, Macintosh version. Instructions are provided in the download description.

Framerate Unlocker and Marble Blast Extender is by Derpking and we thank him for creating it for us. It is used in Marble Blast Platinum and extended further to allow even more engine modifications.
