Assuming these forums never actually get shut down, I'll do my part to help revive them even though I don't think I'll get anywhere. I'd be interested to hear what people think the reasons are for the lack of use—I expect it's just Discord—and maybe it's just nostalgia, but I don't think so, because there are actual reasons why we should keep these forums in use. They're really good for longer discussions where lots of people have opinions to express. They're also great for sharing content, and the categorization on here is something incredibly appealing to me.
What do other people think? Do you like the forums? Do you hate them? Do you wish they were used more but don't have anything to say so you just don't say anything? Do you want to see them blasted into oblivion, never to be seen again? Personally I'd love to see them more active, since they are a nice way for me to stay involved with the community without being in the Discord server, but I want to know what you all have to say.