All marbles up to the Snow Globe in a single download
Note: PQ's marble shaders cause a few of the marbles to render improperly. To fix this, go into the Options menu and disable marble reflections.
Cat's Eye
If you've ever played marbles, or bought a bag of marbles at a toy store, or really interacted with marbles IRL in any way, this style is probably familiar to you, so it came as quite a shock to me that to my knowledge nobody has made one for MB. It consists of a translucent outer sphere and 3 inner ribbons.]
PQ has cat's eye marbles now but this one came first shhhh
Download: www.mediafire.com/download/b7res1x567g1kx2/Cat's_Eye.zip
Stuck on Battlecube Finale? Tired of being about to finish with a time of 14:59, only to realize that you missed a single gem? Well now you can carry an extra gem around with you at all times! You can even change the colour by copying another gem skin to the custom marbles folder and renaming it to base.gem!*
*Gem is contained in indestructible marble. Gem has no value and is for imitation only. Texture alignment may vary between marble and real gems. Gem may cause distraction, missed skillshots, failed traplaunches, ice shard collisions, spontaneous OOB, severe lack of WRs, and extreme PQ WHERe. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your local Matan because the Gem-in-a-marble may not be right for you.
Download: www.mediafire.com/download/ior8g6lyam42w1d/Gem-in-a-marble.zip
Spiky Thing
It's an outer space naval mine! Or a power core! Or a poisonous barb! Or some exotic type of nut! Or... well, I actually don't know what it is, but I would not want to sit on it by accident. Yes, I am aware that you can see the gridlines on the spikey thing, but I will not fix it because I think it makes it look even cooler.
Download: www.mediafire.com/download/wy57grwx7vod282/Spiky_thing.zip
Porygon2 is one of my favourite Pokemon, just because of how easy it is to draw and model. Now you can have your very own mini cyberduck, encased in an indestructible glass marble and doomed to be spun head over... heels? Legs? Rocket propulsion units? Not quite sure.
Download: www.mediafire.com/download/rh7ecihbt6dt2h2/Porygon2.zip
Easily the most beautiful of all the insects, this frail, ethereal creature has been preserved within a glass marble for eternity, or at least as long as it takes to go Out of Bounds. Still, the dragonfly's wings refract the sunlight and dance in the light and shadow as the marble rolls...
Wait, what's that? It's just an error with the DTS that isn't fixed by recalculating normals or applying scale/rotation to ObjData? have no idea what you're talking about.

Download: www.mediafire.com/download/dnq7y5ltmng8qca/Dragonfly.zip
Snow Globe
For the 2015 Christmas season and as an unofficial contribution to Winterfest, I'm going to try to make a few Winter-themed glass marbles! Kicking it off is a nice snow globe with a snowman.
Download: www.mediafire.com/download/kcec0zjozc6vh12/Snowglobe.zip
On the other hand, if snow globes aren't your thing, perhaps the crystalline beauty of a single snowflake, sealed within impenetrable glass, would be more appropriate. Another winter marble for winterfest! Yes, it looks a bit dark - think of snowflakes swirling around a steely grey sky while a cold wind blows...
Download: www.mediafire.com/download/9p62o9sts6xwc9k/Snowflake.zip
QuArK is still a good map editor
You know what's boring? Opaque marble skins. You know what's not? Glass Marbles!