I have finally figured out what is wrong with Marble Blast XP. The temporary key error is caused by a registry value that shouldn't be there. It also needs to have Microsoft Process Monitor open to run for whatever reason.
Either way, once I figured that out, I modified the game to use the mouse and keyboard and not require a NetJet. I also fixed the console and editor.
Temporary Key Fix
Download: www.mediafire.com/download/h892vwu0ghxu9...t_XP_-_No_NetJet.zip
I hope you enjoy!
EDIT: Feel free to add this to the download section of the site. Also I wasn't sure where to post this so I put it in mods since I did infact modify it to run without a NetJet etc.
EDIT2: To Enable FreeLook just open the console with '~' and type in:
EDIT3: I was able to test the game on Windows XP 32 Bit, Windows 7 32 Bit, and Windows 8.1 32 Bit today. It appears that on 32 Bit operating systems, the game runs flawlessly and will never ever give the temporary key error.