file MBAI (Marble blast Alex's Island) File Lost. I'll be making a new mod (MB Past)

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05 Apr 2017 18:02 #1
So I lost it. Great.

But I'm making a new mod that is not going to die at all.
Since i had lost the file to MBAI and saw that the Trapdoor Interior
was good to make good designed levels,I decided to make a
"How levels used to be made" mod. So I'll be making
MBPa (Marble blast Past).

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05 Apr 2017 19:09 - 05 Apr 2017 23:18 #2
Not your first, not your second, but your third attempt at a mod?

Don't take this in a hurtful way. I'm doing my best to write this is the nicest way possible, but I'm honestly having trouble with that. I admire your instincts, but looking at what has happened with Testing Initiative Ball and Alex's Island, I seriously doubt that this will get anywhere, even if you say otherwise. (You've said that you were committed to your past mods and they both died.)

I'm going to quote Xedron here. This is the first part of a post he made on the TIB thread.

I'm going to be completely honest

You shouldn't keep continuing this mod. Its very clear to everyone that you lack all the core fundamentals of making a mod, and so far all I've seen is some LE and as some others have said plagiarized content. This may sound harsh, but I see no chance in this mod ever working out.

TIB and Alex's Island have shown everyone that even though you seem to have good instinct, you have barely any skill and almost no knowledge of how to make a mod. I honestly like the idea of playing a bunch of levels that are built in the same style as quite a few of the levels in the old CLA that were created in the early days of the community, but expecting to make a good mod with one interior and very few custom things (GUIs, textures, etc.) is kind of ridiculous.

Now here's a quote from you.

The second demo's development is going to be slow because:
#1:Scholl Started
#2:I have one more game to develop "Adventure Capitalist Maker"
#3:Studying and homeworks

The high majority of this community has either school or university, alongside with all the other stuff they might have.
I have school to do, I have two soccer teams to play on, I have a part time job as a karate instructor, and I still managed to finish my mini mod. Frostfire has school, he has a soccer team to play on (I believe he's currently in Missouri because of it), and he's taking a lot of his time and effort hosting tournaments and competitions for the community. Whirligig is developing Quaternion with basically no free time at all because of university and a hell of a lot of school work.
My point? That was my way of telling you (well, really Xedron's way) how much effort it takes to make a mod. From the outside, it doesn't look bad. From the inside, oh my god it's awful. Learn from my mistakes (Marble Blast Super).

Anyway. To wrap this up, I'll explain the bottom line here.
It takes a lot more than you think to make a mod. All of the other things outside of Marble Blast you have to do, all of working around the criticism, constructive or not, that you get from fellow community members, all of the dedication it takes to actually stick with you mod... It's a lot. I'm suggesting that you put this mod on hold and start making normal custom levels so we can get an idea of where your weak parts of level building are. Trust me on this. You'll go a long way if you think about it.

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Last edit: 05 Apr 2017 23:18 by Three. Reason: tl;dr joj
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05 Apr 2017 22:04 #3
u wot m8

lee is awesome

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05 Apr 2017 23:22 #4
A mod cannot be considered a mod if it doesn't introduce new gameplay elements -- judging by your... previous attempts... you definitely won't manage to do that by yourself. Don't bother. Learn Constructor and make a level pack for MBG or MBP instead.

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06 Apr 2017 00:33 - 06 Apr 2017 00:33 #5

Threefolder wrote: A mod cannot be considered a mod if it doesn't introduce new gameplay elements -- judging by your... previous attempts... you definitely won't manage to do that by yourself. Don't bother. Learn Constructor and make a level pack for MBG or MBP instead.

I mean technically it's still a modification of the game. Rest of this is pretty on-point though, find one thing you're good at and do a lot of that.

Actually on the topic of the thread (what a surprise!):

Alexnico wrote: "How levels used to be made" mod. So I'll be making MBPa (Marble blast Past).

So is this going to be LE-style levels? As far as I've seen, there's a lot of limitations with LE levels. Still interested to see what you come up with.

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Last edit: 06 Apr 2017 00:33 by HiGuy. Reason: Spaces

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06 Apr 2017 17:27 #6
Alex, IMO you should just make a level pack. I tried doing a similar mod, and it died. If you make a level pack though, you can release it knowing that as long as you do one level, it'll basically be complete.

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06 Apr 2017 17:58 #7
I Redecided and I'll Make a level pack for MBG
Stay tunned on the custom level pack for MBG for a level pack called "Nostalgia"

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06 Apr 2017 18:36 #8
A mod would be too much work for you, and it would end up very badly. It's always good to make a level pack, you almost can't fail it. ;)

You forget a thousand things everyday. Make sure Marble Blast isn't one of 'em.
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07 Apr 2017 00:07 #9

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07 Apr 2017 00:30 - 26 Apr 2017 12:04 #10
I would much rather make what I would call a mod-like level pack for MBP, that contains plenty of custom code and assets, instead of an MBG mod, because then you have multiple features that you don't have to implement or code yourself, such as checkpoints, blast, radar, gravity triggers, Easter eggs, and my favorite MBP feature, path nodes. And you can still make a mod-like level pack for MBG anyway.

Considering you've coded multiplayer in an afternoon, I'm sure you know how to make a level pack that can (without leaking to other levels or making HiGuy salty) change PowerUp models, sounds, the play GUI, physics and forces, controls, et cetera, to your need, and store custom preferences. I think it would even be possible to modify the level select GUI when you exit a level, but I'm not sure why you would do that.
Last edit: 26 Apr 2017 12:04 by Weather.
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07 Apr 2017 05:43 #11
Tell me VIA this poll
A Mod
A Level Pack

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28 Apr 2017 02:25 #12
wait... so if Alexnico lost the files... then does that mean i'm the only human being in the world who still has the beta test version of Alex's Island? :huh:

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28 Apr 2017 02:38 #13
r u srs
u have a beta version LOL XD

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28 Apr 2017 18:26 #14
undo the losement pacplayer

IsraeliRD wrote: The...

come discord brah: eblu#8048

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28 Apr 2017 19:47 #15

eboyblue3 wrote: undo the losement pacplayer

what does losement mean
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07 May 2017 23:20 #16

IsraeliRD wrote: The...

come discord brah: eblu#8048
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