file Place your bets - 2016 Summer 1v1 Tournament

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16 Jul 2016 13:10 #31
Lee wins - $400
Jack wins - $300
Kalle wins - $300
Eguy wins - $300
Tue wins - $100
Nature Freak wins - $300
MBK wins - $300
Higuy wins - $400
Frosty wins - $500

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16 Jul 2016 13:14 #32
Lee wins - $500
Jack wins - $500
Eguy wins - $500
Regis wins - $500
hPerks wins - $500
Nature Freak wins - $500
MBK wins - $500
Higuy wins - $500
Frosty wins - $500

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16 Jul 2016 13:20 - 16 Jul 2016 15:16 #33
Lee wins - $300
Jack wins - $500
Robert wins - $300
Eguy wins - $500
Regi wins - $500
Perks wins - $500
Nature Freak wins - $250
Kwill wins - $200
HiGuy wins - $500
Last edit: 16 Jul 2016 15:16 by Frostfire.

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16 Jul 2016 13:37 - 16 Jul 2016 13:37 #34
Lichable wins -- $380.50
J@ckRB wins -- 'bout $350
Kalle wins -- $169.420
Eguy wins -- $100.02
Regislian wins -- $499.99
hPerks wins -- $368.33
Weather wins -- $222.22
MBKid wins -- $280.85
Frostfire wins -- $500.01

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Last edit: 16 Jul 2016 13:37 by Three.

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16 Jul 2016 13:40 #35
i dunno how to call half of these but hey here we go

Lee wins - 500$
Kalle wins - 100$
Eguy wins - 300$
Regi wins - 500$
Perky wins - 500$
Weather wins - 100$
MBK wins - 100$
Hig(u)y wins - 200$
Frosty wins - 100$

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16 Jul 2016 13:46 #36
I'll up my count to $0.02, just so I'll have my two cents in this matter:

(okay fine $100 as default unless otherwise stated)

LZX Vs Lichable - Despite the obvious 213 points score difference, I'll choose LZX. He had harder opponents in the first two rounds.

Kalle Vs El_Robert - Extremely hard to pick. Kalle got wiped by HiGuy (/vtaunt12) but El Robert's loss to Eguy and hard fight against Kwill makes him hard to choose. Randomizer to give the win to Kalle.

Eguy Vs Xedron - Eguy has picked a game off hPerks, whereas Xedron had too much trouble against NatureFreak... I'll pick Eguy.

Weather Vs NatureFreak - A hard one to pick here. Both were dismantled by their opponents, though Weather did get a game off of freezies. I'll pick NatureFreak, for now.....

MBK Vs Kwill - I suspect Kwill hasn't shown himself to the best of his abilities, due to far stronger opponents in the first two rounds than did MBK had. However, MBK might only seem weaker due to less experience as of late... I'll pick MBK.

MBOUltimate Vs Frostfire - MBOUltimate will make Frosty work for it a little, but without too much sweat. $500
HiGuy Vs Threefolder - I think Ring might not get picked here :^) HiGuy to #rekt as he has no weak maps against threefolder. $500
hPerks Vs Tue - As well as Tue did the previous rounds, hPerks will rip him apart. $500
Toothy Vs Regislian - Regislian will nicely boost his points difference which he really needs to. $500
Freezies Vs Jackrb - Jackrb to win, and I'll put in $500

I'll probably change the Kalle/El Robert and Weather/NatureFreak at later points... :p

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16 Jul 2016 14:10 #37
Lee wins - $200
Kalle wins - $200
Egoo wins - $400
NF wins - $400
Frosty wins - $300
Higy wins - $500
MBK wins - $300
hPoops wins - $900
Regi wins - $900
Qu@ckrb wins - $900

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16 Jul 2016 14:51 #38
Lichable wins - $100
Jack wins - $500
Eguy wins - $500
Regi wins - $500
hPerks wins - $500
NatureFreak wins - $50
MBK wins - $500
HiGuy wins - $250


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16 Jul 2016 15:12 - 16 Jul 2016 15:21 #39
Lee wins - $250
Robert wins - $500 -- time to gain big!
(or lose big)
HiGuy wins - $400
J@ck wins - $350
Regi wins - $500
Perky wins - $500
NF wins - $225
Kwill wins - $350

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Last edit: 16 Jul 2016 15:21 by Eguy.

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16 Jul 2016 20:25 #40
Oh man I am super late to the betting game:

I'll throw out a bit just for some weird predictions on the chance of getting an upset:

Lichable $100
Jackrb: $300
El_Robert: $100
Eguy: $300
Regislian: $500
Weather: $200
Kwill: $100

Who knows it may just work.

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17 Jul 2016 02:30 - 17 Jul 2016 02:42 #41
$300 Lee beats Lichable
$300 J@ckrb beats Freeziez
$400 Kalle beats El_Robert
$200 Xedron beats Eguy
$200 Nature Freak beats Weather
$250 MBK beats Kwill
$300 Threefolder beats HiGuy

Warning: Spoiler!
Last edit: 17 Jul 2016 02:42 by Toothy.

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17 Jul 2016 11:40 - 17 Jul 2016 11:41 #42

Toothy wrote: At this point, I just want to get this tournament out of the way so that I don't have to keep reopening Marble Blast. There comes a threshold when the same thing happens (dead last in every MP match I've been in since mid-June) so many times that it just starts to get boring,

I will not argue that coming last consistently is frustrating, but really, is there something wrong with being last?

Toothy wrote: considering my current opponent and I'm probably going to be pitted against two more players that are better than me,

Haha big no here. You got the unlucky drawing this round (along with Tue), nothing you could do about that. The other 0-2 players all got 0-2 opponents. Next round the 0-3 players will be you if you lose to regi, loser of NF v Weather, and loser of Kwill v MBK (admittedly kwill and mbk are both quite good, I'm surprised they're 0-2). So the worst that could happen was that you got unlucky again and got MBK/Kwill. Then in the final round you will get a player closer to your ability. Swiss doesn't take into account how good a player is, or the tiebreakers even, just the record - you just got the short stick on this one.

Toothy wrote: I'm definitely not making the playoffs.

I have heard this before (multiple times, under different guises, in different games/sports) and seen it proved wrong. First off, with a loss to regi, you could still go 2-3, which means pretty much 100% that you are in. Even if you are 1-4, you may still make the playoffs - I expect some 1-4 players to make it, some to get cut (it's possible all will cut but unlikely).
So, to sum it up, this statement is simply incorrect. There is no way to tell whether you will make the playoffs yet, and you certainly still have a chance.

Toothy wrote: That tells a lot about how much progress I've been making.

What does, the fact that you got the worst draw of the round? Challonge doesn't like you?
Or that you don't think you'll make the playoffs? Admittedly you may not have been making progress if you are thinking that, but it's mental progress, not progress in skills. Thinking stuff like that only makes it more likely to happen.

Toothy wrote: My skill is only getting worse and I know it.

And here it is: the core statement in your post. Think about it for a second. How does one's skill 'get worse'? Is it because they are losing? But how does losing make you worse? Losing is a valuable experience and, generally, you learn more from losing than from winning. Losing (and winning, too) make you better. The more you play, the better you become. Practice makes perfect, as they say.
Nonetheless I understand what you are feeling here; lack of confidence in skill, that you are terrible, etc. etc. But that's just it: it's what you are feeling, not what you actually are. You are a good player already (you think someone off the street could come and not get destroyed by you?), but the fact is that in this community there lie some of the best players in the world at this game. And, as it's a multiplayer tournament, some of the best players will sign up in hopes of winning it. Your competition is extremely good.

Toothy wrote: I've started to feel negativity playing marble blast a few days after me vs. Threefolder happened. In my first month here, I managed to beat some people, but after that I've literally only won against a group a people that only drop by little times and a couple of guests.

I would tell you, 'so what if you never win?' but most people seem to think that winning is what matters. And, as I said before, losing consistently can be extremely frustrating.
If you are that serious - if you really want to become better - then practice. Play the game. A lot. You will get better. It takes a lot of work, and a lot of people are okay with not being the best. You could be one of those people if you wanted to.

Toothy wrote: I just want to retire from Marble Blast, it's not fun for me anymore, it hasn't gave the same exciting vibe InstantAction and the XBox Live Arcade did.

Only the best players stuck around and are still here. As I said, the competition here is tough.

Toothy wrote: The only reason I'm still playing this tournament is because one person resigning might screw everything up. I wouldn't have done my match with Lich otherwise.

What I have said so far has been to encourage you to stay and finish this tournament, but it is also entirely true. One person resigning will not 'screw everything up', it will simply create a bye match for the next two rounds (someone will not get an opponent), which is undesirable but, tbh, something I was expecting at the start of this tournament until everything went incredibly smoothly in the first round.
I still urge you not to quit, not only because of that, but because finishing things that you start, that you commit to, is, imo, important.

However, it is still ultimately your choice, and if you truly wish to resign then feel free. But take what I have said into consideration before you do.
Last edit: 17 Jul 2016 11:41 by Frostfire.
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17 Jul 2016 12:51 #43
Toothy, you have defeated yourself. By saying illogical stuff like "My skill is only getting worse and I know it." means you've given up without truly trying. You have a terrible mindset right now - we all have been guilty of that; but the answer is not to wallow in your sorrows, it is to bounce back from defeat. I myself thought I'd easily beat HiGuy in my earlier match and I got spanked into oblivion, but I never let that get me down, I just used it as motivation to improve. No one starts out as the best, we all find it difficult at first.

Also, multiplayer isn't the only thing in Marble Blast, singleplayer is the biggest part of it. You don't have to "retire" from marble blast just because you lost a few online matches, and even if you don't wanna play MP anymore, there is always SP (which btw also helps you improve your MP skills a lot).

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17 Jul 2016 13:12 #44
Oh man, I'm guessing I have to win then.

lee is awesome

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18 Jul 2016 21:56 - 19 Jul 2016 01:57 #45
Perky - for the playoffs, we should have forced $ bets for each round, and it increases each round.

Round 1: $500
Quarterfinals: $1000
Semifinals: $2500
Final: $5000

Thus the playoffs matter the most and each round counts for more (traditional bracket challenge)

You agree?
Last edit: 19 Jul 2016 01:57 by Frostfire.

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19 Jul 2016 13:13 #46

hPerks wrote:
@Frosty - I think $5000 might be a little much - I was thinking increasing the maximum bet to maybe 1000 during the semifinals/finals or something like that.

Okay yea, I just was thinking it should be a fixed amount (you MUST bet exactly $x) for the playoffs and increase each round.

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23 Jul 2016 09:21 #47
Oi perky update pls

I won btw (sorry lich :( )

lee is awesome

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23 Jul 2016 13:17 #48
Lichable wins - $175
MBK wins - $175
Weather wins - $175
Kwill wins - $400
Lee wins - $400
Regi wins - $500
Kalle wins - $350
hPerks wins -$500
Frosty wins - $500


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23 Jul 2016 13:40 - 23 Jul 2016 16:09 #49
Xedron wins - $200
Robert wins - $400
MBK wins - $500
Weather wins - $500
Kwill wins - $500
Lee wins - $100
Eguy wins - $200
Kalle wins - $400
MBO wins - $100
Last edit: 23 Jul 2016 16:09 by Frostfire.

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23 Jul 2016 14:07 #50
I'll do normal numbers this time, can't think of anything silly to do...

Lichable wins -- $300
El Robert wins -- $375
MBK wins -- $500
Toothy wins -- $150
Kwill wins -- $250
Regislian wins -- $500
Kalle wins -- $420
hPerks wins -- $360
Frosty wins -- $450

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23 Jul 2016 14:18 #51

Threefolder wrote: I'll do normal numbers this time, can't think of anything silly to do...

Was there anything "not normal" with your numbers before? They looked like everyday numbers to me. :silly:


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23 Jul 2016 14:46 #52
ok round 4 is a toughie

Lichable wins 100$
Tue wins 100$
Freeziez wins 100$
Weather wins 175$
Kwill wins 300$
Treefolder wins 150$
Regi wins 200$
hPeky wins 375$
Frosty wins 450$

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23 Jul 2016 15:06 #53

Threefolder wrote: I'll do normal numbers this time, can't think of anything silly to do...
Lichable wins -- $300
El Robert wins -- $375
MBK wins -- $500
Toothy wins -- $150
Kwill wins -- $250
Regislian wins -- $500
Kalle wins -- $420
hPerks wins -- $360
Frosty wins -- $450

Those aren't normal numbers, these are normal:

Lichable wins -- $299.99
El Robert wins -- $374.99
MBK wins -- $499.99
Toothy wins -- $149.99
Kwill wins -- $249.99
Regislian wins -- $499.99
Kalle wins -- $419.99
hPerks wins -- $359.99
Frosty wins -- $449.99

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23 Jul 2016 15:17 #54
Lichie wins, but Xeddy has a chance - $300
Robert wins, but Tue also has a chance - $300
MBK wins, but not with a shutout - $400
Weather wins, and I'm guessing a 3-1 match - $300
Kwill wins - $700
Lee wins, but not with a shutout (guessing 3-1) - $400
Regi wins, but Egoo's pretty good and I'm gonna guess a 3-2 game - $500
Kale wins, and I'm expecting a 3-2 match here as well - $300
hPerks wins 3-1 - $700
Frosty wins 3-1 - $700

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23 Jul 2016 16:18 - 23 Jul 2016 20:08 #55
Lichable wins $500
Robert wins $500
MBK wins $500
Weather wins $500
Kwill wins $500
Treefolder wins $500
Regi wins $500
hPeky wins $500
Frosty wins $500

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Last edit: 23 Jul 2016 20:08 by Kalle29.

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23 Jul 2016 16:29 #56
Lichable wins - $300
Robert wins - $300
Freeziez wins - $300
Toothy wins - $300
Kwill wins (if he shows up) - $300
Threefolder wins - $300
Kalle wins - $300
hPerks wins - $500
Higuy wins - $300

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23 Jul 2016 17:40 #57
Lichable wins: $200
El_Robert wins: $300
MBK wins: $400
Toothy wins: $100
Kwill wins: $500
Threefolder wins: $100
Eguy wins: $100
Kalle wins: $100
hPerks wins: $500

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24 Jul 2016 01:07 - 24 Jul 2016 01:08 #58
Dang it, placed my bets one match too late D: Was planning on to do it earlier!

Xed vs Lich - Oooooh...Dang, super close, but I'll take Xedron at $175
Frosty wins - $500
Kalle wins - $500
Perks wins - $500-- Let's go hard!
Lee vs Threefolder - ...OMG, this'll be a nail-biter, but I'll go Lee for $200. As if Lichie and Lee didn't get a close enough matchup last time! :P
Toothy vs Weather - Jeez! How close can it get. I guess i'll stick safe and go with the favored Weather for $125
Robert wins - $400
MBK wins - $425

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Last edit: 24 Jul 2016 01:08 by Eguy.

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27 Jul 2016 15:45 #59
I bet on Weather for $125 :P

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30 Jul 2016 12:57 #60
Lichie wins - $500
Kwill wins - $100
Robert wins - $500
3f wins - $400
Jack wins - $225
Regi wins - $500
MBO wins - $500
Higs wins - $500
Eguy wins - $200

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