file Marble Blast Emerald [RELEASED]

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30 Jul 2011 06:00 #1
Marble Blast Emerald

New Video:

Version 1.0 Release: [ZIP] [7Z]

Marble Blast Emerald v1.0 Release Notes

Thank you for downloading Marble Blast Emerald and supporting the team. I hope that you did not download BlazerYo's version of the game, and that this is a new experience for you!


Marble Blast Emerald is a game full of marbles in a truly new light. Race your customizable marble through more than 60 official levels and more than 25 Custom levels!

What's New in Marble Blast Emerald?

Marble Blast Emerald comes with a number of great features, including:

85+ new levels!
Custom Resolutions
Camera Turn Speed options
Customizable HUD for displaying time, gem count, and powerups.
A Bounds Generator which sets the Play Area automatically!
Optional Emerald time, and Qualify time notifications!
Random Level Choice
Progress Bar and Dialogue
Hidden Sapphires! Collect them all, and beat your best time getting to them! A whole new way to play!
Level Search
Awards (Achievements)
Custom Marble skins, just add your .dts to the marbles folder!
Tunnel Vision - Can you beat all the levels with a limited view?
Fixed Camera - Some levels can be beaten with no camera rotation.
No Jumping - Some levels can be beaten without jumping.
First and Last buttons to zoom from front to back in no time!
Best Times dialogue to see the best times, and the emerald times while playing a level!
and more!

The MBE Staff List

Leader and Creator - Ian Valentino
Council Member - HiGuy
Council Member - Jeff Hutchinson

Level Team

- Ian Valentino
- HiGuy
- Jeff Hutchinson
- Marble2
- Greg Hutchinson
- Kostas
- Sonic Warrior1
- jack59splat59
- rct3fan00
- Luke
- Martin5656565
- BlazerYo
- Alexis
- w2rockstar
- UltraMarble

Graphic Design

- Ian Valentino
- HiGuy
- BlazerYo


- Jeff Hutchinson
- HiGuy
- whirligig


- Ian Valentino
- Andrew Sears
- Sonic Warrior1

Skies by w2rockstar
Main Menu Music by Alexis
Game Music by Brian Holmes
3D Graphics by Cyberfox
Marbles by RDs.Empire

Special Thanks

- Cawdude
- Matan Weissman
- The Community
- idogampd
- Brian Holmes

If you find that a level is locked out of Fixed Camera or No Jump, and you have found that you can, in fact, complete it, please inform us, and we will cover it in the next version.

Please read my blog on this website, or my Wordpress for a more inside set of thoughts about the game.

One of the awards is finding my hidden secret in the game. I will release a hint daily to help you find it:

Hint 1: It is a hidden button.
Hint 2: Corners hold the secret.

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30 Jul 2011 06:17 #2
I'm so pleased to see that this mod has (legitimately) been released to the public after three long years of work. This is now the third major mod to be released in this community after MBP and MBA (mods done by one or two people such as MBRevived and George's mod are what I like to call minor mods). You've proven that mods can be completed and released even through the most dire of circumstances, and MBEmerald certainly had a tumultuous road to this point. I am happy to have been given the opportunity to test out the game before release, and I think that the community will enjoy MBEmerald very much. I look forward to seeing people's videos and speedruns.

BTW, look out for a video guide from me in about a week that shows how to get all the sapphires in the game.

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30 Jul 2011 06:18 #3
As a note to that, MBA's GUI was not completed, making MBE the first complete mod since MBP. That is a huge accomplishment.

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30 Jul 2011 06:19 #4
+ to add on to that, mbadvanced only had one new major code

I am a programmer. Most here know me for being one of the major contributors to Marble Blast Platinum and PlatinumQuest.

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30 Jul 2011 06:38 #5
Well i've deprived myself from sleep to wake up and download this haha, man im going to be tired at work. Buzzing to start playing, well done getting this released on time, cant wait to start playing!

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30 Jul 2011 06:49 #6
Darn, stupid internet connection deleted my long review of the mod.

Just know this, Ian, I loved everything, especially the new features.

I love you, but your attitude is like that of a shrew. Your options? Take a pill or be my kill. Might I suggest that you wear a vest. Perish in class or be banished to the land of bluegrass, where dreams don't exist as you'll be eternally pissed.

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30 Jul 2011 06:54 #7
Has the day really come or am I actually... dreaming... INCEPTION.

Holy mongers. One minute remaining. Can't wait. Will update this comment when started playing.

Finally a mod that will take me more than one day to beat!

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30 Jul 2011 06:59 #8
I'm on credits!!


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30 Jul 2011 07:01 #9
My internet is really slow right now, can't download. This happened when MBA released too. crap.

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30 Jul 2011 07:08 #10
Just posting my initial impressions.. obviously don't take this to be my final say and as I mention I haven't played the levels yet.


- Would have liked a better resolution icon to use, preferably 128x128 in icns format (as supported by Mac) and instructions to install that in the Contents/Resources folder.

- Let's hope everyone on a Mac who plays this has installed MBP in the past or else divisions will be a problem, should have included those instructions (there's also a typo in that installation file).

- An applescript or some attempt at an installer wouldn't have hurt; also it seems to automatically convert it to an app so adding the .app extension isn't necessary

The Game

- New cursor and startup gui's are really nice

- Love the main menu gui background

- Don't really like all the different fonts going on, would flow better with just one or two used throughout the game

- Play GUI is very cramped, especially at the bottom. The first and last buttons are quite prominent, couldn't you just have used a couple arrows pointing left and right?
A lot of the button backgrounds look out of place and amateur compared to the very clean and professional looking main menu gui + background and startup gui's.
The font used in level description looks fine, but the fonts for the level name in the picture and top times look out of place and lazy.
NJ and TV I could deduce what they stood for from the buttons on the right but not in order, and what does FC stand for?
The S in top times, is that the slowest time? If so, what's the point of that?
Overall the Play GUI just looks like it was thrown together with various button styles, fonts, etc and could be decluttered.

- I LOVE the search GUI (different ways of sorting, how fast it is) but it doesn't seem to be listing all the levels (a bunch of levels in the /custom directory, a 3 from other directories). Do you need a whole separate tab for displaying author names or could that just be enabled from a checkbox? Also, the description search doesn't work.

- The progress GUI looks awfully familiar..

- If no jumping and tunnel vision are so integrated into the game (with buttons to enable/disable on the level select GUI), why aren't there separate displays for the top times for each setting (aka, top no jumping times, top tunnel vision times, etc)?
I like how the buttons enable/disable depending on whether it is possible to complete the level with that setting (I presume?).. let's just hope you're right on all of them

- Really like the loading GUI in terms of the font (like was on the main menu buttons.. should stick with that font!)

- Pause screen, I like how you can quickly go into options to say disable the audio, but besides that what would be the common uses for it? You could just have a volume slider on the pause screen to simplify.
I also really like the checkboxes in the options GUI, circles with color indicators showing on/off.
Is a best times button really needed?

- Ready, set, go audio kind of bugs me because of your voice (no offense!).

- Speedometer isn't very useful because it's numbers--you can't quickly glance over to check your speed, and with no speed gamemodes of the sort it really just serves a novelty purpose.

- Especially at lower resolutions (like the default 800x600) the play GUI is very cramped. Most of this is due to the large container circle at the top, which although looks nice could be done without. Why does it need to be labeled MBE hud?

- How to: Jumps, the custom level, is missing a preview picture.

- Capitalization in level names should be more consistent; I noticed on level with only the first word capitalized, and another with a mid-name the capitalized (rest of levels don't capitalize of's, and's, etc).

- Tunnel vision mode is kind of cool, but I see it as more of a novelty feature.


- Help GUI could be more.. helpful, haha.

- Exit-game credits seems familiar..

- Oh, I forgot to mention, the edge_white trim texture is very contrasted, maybe tone that down a bit

Overall, a very mixed bag. I liked some of the GUI's but the overall feel of the GUI's was inconsistent because of the various fonts, button styles, and degrees of cramped-ness. I didn't really see any cutting edge features that remind me this is a totally new mod and the lack of any networking or leaderboards features doesn't really draw me back to the game to compete for times. I have yet to play the levels, which are certainly an important part of any mod!, but I will update my thoughts once I do.

A lot of these things can and probably will be adjusted or fixed as necessary in future patches. With some general cleaning-up and depending on the quality of the levels, I think this certainly isn't a mod to readily forget (who still plays MBA?).

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30 Jul 2011 07:12 #11
Also, a double-post to make sure this isn't overlooked:

Anyone on the OEM version of MBG (if the game came preinstalled on your computer), please do not install yet as it will not work. As you know, MBP 1.20 officially added support for the OEM build so this is a step other mods can and should take. I will talk to Ian about possibly getting a separate OEM-only build up for download.

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30 Jul 2011 08:00 #12
Downloading right now! 5 minutes to go! Can't wait!

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30 Jul 2011 08:06 #13
Jul 30, 2011, 12:08am, perishingflames wrote:what does FC stand for?

Fixed Camera.

And no I don't play MBA as much now.

I love you, but your attitude is like that of a shrew. Your options? Take a pill or be my kill. Might I suggest that you wear a vest. Perish in class or be banished to the land of bluegrass, where dreams don't exist as you'll be eternally pissed.

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30 Jul 2011 08:09 #14
Finally! The wait is over! Well, four three more minutes that is.

Edit: I have beaten all Simple levels and a few Difficult ones (are those the right names for the categories...?) and I only have one objection: the music is a little dull (not always, however, some parts were nice). Everything else is awesome!

Edit 2: Pro levels are... hard. The music... I started to love it!

P.S.: I really hope Alt-F4 saves your progress

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30 Jul 2011 08:58 #15
PF, there is a display for one top time of each mode, Tunnel Vision (is it a coincidence that it is abbreviated to TV?), No Jumping and No Camera.

MBE staff, here's something to put on the list : Simple lvl 4 (How To: Frictions) is possible w/o jumping. (HA)

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30 Jul 2011 11:14 #16
dis gaem hard yo

But really, this mod was fun to test (for me / most of the levels). I had a fun time trying most of the levels. Sadly though, I didn't have the attention span to beat the whole game. Some levels were too hard or too long (as I don't want to sit infront of the same level for an hour). For MBE2 (if I'm still playing), I'll definitely try harder to get most of the levels done. Most of you should enjoy the Beginner and some of Intermediate, I will say.


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30 Jul 2011 11:29 #17
Well, 3 hours and I finished the game.:P

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30 Jul 2011 13:02 #18
I can't believe I fell asleep so early yesterday and missed this. DLing right now, I'll give a review later.

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30 Jul 2011 13:21 #19
This mod was sort of in the back there, so I didn't really notice it. But overall it sounds good. Will there be updates?

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30 Jul 2011 13:40 #20
There will be bug fixes and simple patches, but no updates. We are moving on to MBE2.

@Don.Gato Good find! Noted

@pf S stands for SAPPHIRE time. When you pick up a sapphire, the game ends, and you record a separate time.

Some things are familiar, because they were so good in MBP, people can't pass them up. MBE is a very generic mod, it's true. We will be separating ourselves from the pack with MBE2.

I am also aware the GUI was bad. There were too many people working on it, and it became a cramped mess. We have a revolutionary Menu system ready for MBE2.

FC is Fixed Camera, and those things aren't integral, they are novelty. You can play and get a good time for them, but that's it. It's not supposed to be super important.

The Search only lists unlocked levels.

Best times has been useful (if only once or twice) so we put it in. It's a simple code, and it doesn't really get in the way.

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30 Jul 2011 15:15 #21
Yay! I'm downloading it right now!
Good job MBE team!

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30 Jul 2011 15:26 #22
I'm on a PC, which download link should I use?

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30 Jul 2011 16:34 #23
I used the first one...

EDIT: And a question: How can I get the MBE icon to match with the .exe?

I love you, but your attitude is like that of a shrew. Your options? Take a pill or be my kill. Might I suggest that you wear a vest. Perish in class or be banished to the land of bluegrass, where dreams don't exist as you'll be eternally pissed.

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30 Jul 2011 17:56 #24
Though I'm not playing Marble Blast until PlatinumQuest comes out, I'm still gunna check out this mod, it looks amazing!

Follow me on twitter at @threefolder

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30 Jul 2011 18:20 #25

Send a shortcut to your desktop from your marbleblast.exe

Rename it MBE.

Right-click and properties.

Change icon.

Browse for the icon in your MBE folder.


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30 Jul 2011 19:02 #26
7Z and ZIP are both packaging formats. If you have 7zip, a program, you can use 7z files. If you don't, zip is recommended.

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30 Jul 2011 19:19 #27
Thanks George!

Some mod outlooks:

I LOVE the Options tab you put in the pause screen! You don't know how much I've wanted that. It's great for testing out screen resolution or sound tweaking without going ALL the way out and ALL the way back in.

I like how you had it set up like different game modes! Meaning, you'd get seperate times for different modes, instead of just one 'Best Times' board regardless of the mode.

I don't really like the large 'MBE Hud' in-game. It kind of gets in the way just a bit...

I do like how you added third decimal point, as apparently it's important...

Levels... They were good overall. I did adore some of them, though, such as Motocross Mission, and most the 'Difficult' levels; they were neat! I also really liked Pop Cube, a director's cut level... That was new! However, quite a few level pictures just show platforms, meaning it gives me the idea that it's just jumping platforms. Remember, those I haven't played yet, so I'm not really giving my 'opinion' for them quite yet... Overall, I give the levels 8/10.

I don't like how the difficulty went from 'Simple' to 'Difficult'. Maybe 'Simple', 'Intermediate, 'Pro'. Or even better: 'Simple, Intermediate, Difficult, Pro'.

Again, features were my favorite part of the mod. Overall, I give the mod an 8.5/10; I hope MBE2 is just as good!

I love you, but your attitude is like that of a shrew. Your options? Take a pill or be my kill. Might I suggest that you wear a vest. Perish in class or be banished to the land of bluegrass, where dreams don't exist as you'll be eternally pissed.

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30 Jul 2011 20:37 #28
My two cents.

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30 Jul 2011 21:12 #29
Doue to my ''crappy'' internet conection i cant download it but aniways ill give review after i get it.
Also why am i arent in credits? Did thouse 4 marbles that i made where all reyected?

Some guy that does DTS shapes and levels.

AWESOME time HINT : When making PQ level place your custom interiors and textures in platinum/data/interiors_pq/custom
makes life easier for you and everyone else :)

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30 Jul 2011 21:36 #30
Oh my gosh! I forgot you Rds. I will certainly add you to the post ASAP! We loved your marbles.


- As I've said before, we are all disappointed with the GUI for the game. Expect much better next time.

- Trees, yeah, probably too many. You'll see how we plan to improve that in MBE2

- I was not involved with the Cheater addition, thus I never thought of those conflicts. We will resolve that in the next version of the game. Thank you.

- Never actually looked at the skyboxes for a long time. We will add some in the next patch.

- Choices are well, optional. Play if you wish, we aren't forcing you to. (I suppose it is included in the Progress bar...)

Overall, thanks for your feedback. A lot of the critisism of the game is already being taken into consideration for MBE2.

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