file Rozi's Mini Mod [RELEASED]

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23 Sep 2015 06:45 #31
I don't know what you already have done, but may I just chime in a stimulating stretch of concepts to consider that you are already well aware of, possibly sacrificing valued minutes in my eventful life that I will never get back.

Take your time! You've already explicitly mentioned your intent for quality over quantity, but there is nothing better than to have it reiterated so that you can feel rest assured that it's the best thing to do. :) You may have many level ideas, but rushing in an attempt to vivaciously compile them could easily destroy any potential that those levels may warrant. They say "the more the merrier", but that really only applies if said additional content is any good. (They won't tell you that at the bar, but that's not important).

While I've never tried any of your levels (well, I suppose I haven't played custom levels from anyone), I'm thrilled at your approach. Mini-mods, in my humble and overtly biased opinion, are cycles better than the mods that try to do everything, because they focus primarily on what's important: the levels. This alone leads me to reiterate: Take as long as your mind and body need to determine the worth of your irrevocable result. I took note of your initial statement that you had released your 25th level to the forums - this was in July. Your level topic was introduced in January, but I will assume you had created some of the levels in prior month(s). So, that's six months for 25 levels, plus a possible seventh or more. To create 50 levels of high quality, based on this information, we're looking at a release sometime next year. But like I said, I don't know what you already have done. But I've wasted all that time speaking of such to say the following:

Don't set limits. Having an initial goal of 50 levels is a good idea, but don't stress to hit that number if you're having trouble getting there. Sometimes you may have writer's block, but at some point you may also get worn out from the work. That's OKAY. Point is, as long as you provide a result, no matter the quantity, then whatever work you put into it will have been worth it. :) Also, just to note, my words here are 100% filled with the intent of encouragement. While I probably won't download your levels individually, I will more than likely give this pack a go whenever you release it.

Obviously I'm a terrible example of a person who practices what they preach, but don't focus too much on my hypocrisy.

I love you, but your attitude is like that of a shrew. Your options? Take a pill or be my kill. Might I suggest that you wear a vest. Perish in class or be banished to the land of bluegrass, where dreams don't exist as you'll be eternally pissed.
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23 Sep 2015 16:25 #32
Also, a note... people for the last few years have had enough of tutorial levels (learning to roll, jump, gems, hazards, etc etc etc). Fubar still gets away with it because 2008, though.

"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
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23 Sep 2015 16:29 #33
Agreed. Beginner levels should be simple levels, but they should not be tutorial levels unless you add a new feature to your mini-mod. Also, I love how the new levels look, so your mod should look amazing when it's done!


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13 Oct 2015 03:12 - 17 Jan 2022 07:20 #34

First, I figured out moving platforms! The process of creating them are still somewhat new to me, but I'm getting better at them as time passes. I still have yet to figure out how to make triggered platforms, but I'm happy with what I have now. Thanks to BPX for the help.

At the moment, about 10 levels (not including the tutorial levels) are finished, and my goal is around 45 to 50 levels.

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Last edit: 17 Jan 2022 07:20 by Nockess. Reason: literally impossible for me to read back on this and not die inside - i changed some tiny things

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13 Oct 2015 23:35 #35
It's cool to hear that you added some new levels to your series! The first level looks fun (I'm not sure how you got 12.91 seconds, but I might be able to figure that out). Do you plan to post videos of other levels?

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14 Oct 2015 00:23 #36
I do indeed have plans to make videos on levels that are featured here in the mini mod. I'm thinking of doing a video on an intermediate and advanced level each, and theres also the trailer that I'll create down the road.

12.91 on Running Around in Rooms was quite difficult. All I'll say for now is that my main advantage is no-jumping wall hits. ;)

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14 Oct 2015 23:49 #37
Rozi you're always welcome to look in the Constructor section and look at my video on making MPs! :D
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15 Oct 2015 13:22 #38

LegoCreator768 wrote: Rozi you're always welcome to look in the Constructor section and look at my video on making MPs! :D

No offense Lego - it's really great that you created a trailer - but it's very hard to see what you're doing in that trailer. Can't tell which buttons you are clicking.

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15 Oct 2015 16:37 #39
sorry Frosty, I'll probably make a better video.
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16 Oct 2015 11:27 - 16 Oct 2015 17:08 #40
This looks like a very interesting mod! I can't wait to play it. It seems to have a different twist than other mods. (I haven't watched the video yet.)

Marble Blaster Since 2003
Last edit: 16 Oct 2015 17:08 by 1will2000will1.
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16 Oct 2015 14:38 #41
Well...I guess that the levels are different but otherwise it's pretty much the same.
Thank you though!

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16 Oct 2015 17:09 #42
Subtly different. I like seeing subtle differences because they sometimes overtake the larger ones.

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17 Oct 2015 17:54 #43
Good day everyone!
I'm going to be taking a break from the mini mod to do other things inside Marble Blast. It's not that I'm quitting or anything, I just feel the need to take a break.

Don't expect much in the next couple weeks.


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17 Oct 2015 22:55 #44

Rozi wrote: Good day everyone!
I'm going to be taking a break from the mini mod to do other things inside Marble Blast. It's not that I'm quitting or anything, I just feel the need to take a break.

Don't expect much in the next couple weeks.


Guess I'm going to do the updates then.. (if Rozi lets me to)

lee is awesome

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14 Nov 2015 19:26 #45
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14 Nov 2015 21:56 #46
Omg that level is pro.

I played marble blast
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26 Nov 2015 02:03 #47
It's been a while since y'all have gotten a screenshot, so I've decided to share another one with everyone of a beginner level.
How does it look?

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26 Nov 2015 02:15 #48
Well... duh! Amazing, just like the other ones! Really excited for this mod, can't wait for it's release.

dumb furry who plays ball rolling games, gun shooting games, and plumber jumping games

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26 Nov 2015 22:29 #49
Great work here Rozi (and maybe Lee if he helped you)!

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28 Nov 2015 00:07 #50

On serious note, amazing job Rozi! I am very excited to play this mini-mod once it comes out. Looks very fun!
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06 Dec 2015 17:17 - 17 Jan 2022 07:21 #51
Hi! The demo's out! Go play it!

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Last edit: 17 Jan 2022 07:21 by Nockess.

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30 Dec 2015 20:11 #52
I might as well say that if anyone else want's me to make a logo for a mod they plan on finishing, send me a PM.
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30 Dec 2015 21:24 #53
I don't have a copy of MBG so I can't play this. Looks pretty good though.

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26 Feb 2016 09:47 #54
Hey Rozi. I too wish that the mod doesn't die off. I played the demo and the levels were amazing. They were good ideas, not rushed to be made, good quality and absolute fun. I wish you luck for this mod. :)

- Qwertz

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02 Oct 2016 20:01 #55
It's been quite a while since this thread has seen the light of day, but I can assure you the mini mod is still under development and it's going fast now! I've come up with a total count of 20 official levels and 12 levels in the custom tab which is for the Director's Cut section.
Also, welcome hPerks to the team! He'll be making the majority of the soundtracks.

Screenshot anyone?

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14 Oct 2016 20:59 #56
can I help with the designs of the textures for this mod?

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14 Oct 2016 22:44 #57
For the meantime, I am set on the graphics part of the mod. All I have left to finish are the levels which I can do myself (along with a couple levels from Lee).
Thanks for asking however.

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14 Oct 2016 23:04 #58
oh k mate. If you need any help just let me know

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22 Oct 2016 00:00 #59
Since the release of the MBP May 2007 Build I am wondering if the mod would work on there since its kinda like MBG

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22 Oct 2016 00:22 #60
I guess it would work, but when the time of release comes I'm going to see if I can make installer for the game just to make installation easier. RMM does have a few small features (mostly GUI changes) that are exclusive to the mod so I wouldn't suggest using the MBP May 2007 release to play the levels.

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