Sequence: Song - Genre - Suppossed Tempo
(C) Synthetic Symphony - Techno - 190 BPM
(W) Omega - Drum n Bass - 120 BPM
(W) Light Show - Drum n Bass - 150-160 BPM
(I) Kamikaze - Drum n Bass/ Techno - 160-180 BPM
(W) Drum n Haste - Drum n Bass - 210 BPM
(I) CalKulus - Industrial - 100-120 BPM
(I) Cataclysm - Drum n Bass/ Techno - 160-170 BPM
(W) Soviet Prophecy - Medieval Techno - 180-190 BPM
There also some other projects I'm working on, but they will go in some different groups and not my Tech Warrior project series... If you'd like to know more on different groups and series's (?) go to my YouTube channel :
Tell me what you think!
~ Tech Warrior
I love you, but your attitude is like that of a shrew. Your options? Take a pill or be my kill. Might I suggest that you wear a vest. Perish in class or be banished to the land of bluegrass, where dreams don't exist as you'll be eternally pissed.