Marble Blast Predictions :
- I'll make it into the Top 100 (probs not)
- I'll get into the top 10 of MBU Extreme Skiing, Currently Top 35.
- 2 wrr's will get released.
- For April Fools day. Every level on the online leaderboard / server will get replaced with a level titled - Monkey Nudes, and when you start the level you'll be greeted with bananas.
- I will meet a Marble Blast player from New Zealand (I'm from there).
- PlatinumQuest 2.6.9 will come out in September
- I will have beaten at least all the levels from either MBG or MBU.
- GarageGames comes outta no where and announces MBG 2.
IRL Predictions :
- I will not fail a test/exam.
- I'll participate in another sport other than the one I'm already doing. So then I don't sit on my butt farming PQ rating.
- Maybe start a Marble Blast club within my school or in the community :L
- I will meet my IRL friend who I have been talking to since 2014. (He has also played PQ)
- I hope to stay in the highest form of class in my year group at school.
- Achieve 80% or above on my art/music tests/exams.
I don't really have many irl goals/predicitons tbh.
MISC Predictions :
- New Zealand's flag will change.
- osu! will become a M rated game.
- Donald Trump will die from a suicide bomber.
- Rosie will get a tattoo of the PQ logo on his arm :V
- I will donate $5 through the MB website, so that this game can be further supported.
- The UK will change it's currency.
- We will find a flat earth in other solar system.
- North Korea will experience a national depression.
- The word of the year will be "tryhard"
- New Zealand will get their own osu! team.
- Undertale 2 will be announced.
- The Nintendo 64 Classic Edition will get announced.
- My Youtube channel will hit 500 subs. (here it is btw:
- There will be a rave on the moon.
- Twitter will get shut down by hackers.
- And finally if our family won the lottery and I got a share of it, I would donate $100 NZD through the MB website.
That's pretty much all of my predictions really.