I'd be happy to contribute with music and commentary, as well as some editing details. I'd rather not handle editing all on my own, but I do like getting creative with snappy headliner intros/outros, like "This Week In MarbleLand" or "Staff Team Undergoes Foundation Repair" or some shit. We could use visuals to supplement analysis of speedruns - like, insert little clips from past historic videos, or even more nerdy math stuff. I like NF's suggestion about trivia. As someone who's been recently spending lots of time trolling on final cut pro and making homemade, meme-esque music videos, I can tell you firsthand there's no limit to how fun this could get, and I'd be happy to help carry on the creative mantle from those who ran the MB timeline on the old forums, made the "best of MB" - ya know, stuff like that.
"it's the internet eguy. where children are men. men are monkeys, and women are PQ."
-Jeff 2014