Powermath: incorrect. There's a TT on the top of the beams. Possible to get through traplaunch. SotF is pretty simple, but absolutely insane for a traplaunch. I don't think it's possible, but in the world of TASes it could possibly be done.
TAS: Tool Assisted Speedrun. If you've seen my recent videos, they're all TASes. Basically we use slowdowns, frame advance and savestates. Basically, we can go 30 frames before the traplaunch and try many different methods in hours while going back to previous savestates if we fail. This way, instead of doing the whole thing from Ready-set-go to the traplaunch, we can focus on the traplaunch alone. Additionally, it gives us the PERFECT start, since it's frame-perfect always. So instead of days or weeks of practicing the same traplaunch, we can do it in mere hours.
I know, frame by frame sounds easy, but remember we run at ~60-64fps, so if we look at SotF, you're playing the last 500ms (half a second) over and over again while using an emulator just to get that perfect traplaunch.
Likewise, levels like Siege you can perfect (the WR can go a lot faster, Pascal won't do my method though, but in a TAS you can easily do it). Want to see sub-22 Pathways? in a TAS, you probably can too!
"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.