Your previous predictions can be found here.
"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.
Not as far as I know? But they're in general all less active now. +0At least one staff member resigns or leaves the community.
Oof +1At least one person will be banned from the community, and not for being underaged.
He's around on webchat occasionally, but he didn't read this +0.25hPerks returns (if only temporarily) and will, in fact, read this.
I don't think this happened but I'm pretty sure he DMed me at least once about a marble game so +1Jeff tries to get me to work on another game with him.
Not really +0The Marble it Up! level building scene will see an influx of PlatinumQuest custom level creators.
Nope (definitely still more bugfixes to come) and nope (2.3.32) +0PQ has its final bugfix patch this year. It will be patch 2.4.12.
Yep +1I'll get some sort of job.
Hahahahahahahaha no +0My sister will teach me how to drive and I will get my license over the summer for real this time.
Straight A's hell yeah +1I won't get less than a B- in every class this spring and next fall.
Pretty sure this happened +1The US government shutdown ends before February, with no wall.
Two out of three ain't bad +0.75The three most popular candidates going into the 2020 US Democratic Primary are Warren, Sanders, and O'Rourke.
Yes, 726 by the end of 2019 surprisingly.I will reach 700 posts on these forums (maybe 715 if I'm being very generous).
I was surprisingly rather more active this year than I expected, and stayed in the server, but barely played online and just played MBG.I will maintain about the same level of activity around here, barely playing online, not talking much in the server (which I rejoined today after six months away, hopefully I'll stay in there), and mostly just playing MBG sometimes.
A tiny bit, but not as much as I would have liked to.I will rant more in my ranting category (possible topics include college life, weather stations, fonts, Mario Kart and other games that I have been obsessed with at some point, etc.).
Nope, but the second part still holds.MBG World Record Rampage #5 will be released finally! If there is an audio commentary, I'm a bit nervous about participating, but I might do so if I can have some notes on what I want to say.
Yes indeed, and it's a great time as always.I will learn at least two new card games this year, and will continue playing cards with my high school friends, hopefully more often than I do now.
I did absolutely nothing with this.I will finish a lot of music transcription things (pretty much just manually transcribing my piano books to have digital copies of them in case I lose them). Hopefully I'll make some progress with that in the next 20 days.
It was surprisingly manageable, but I still cried once or twice this year.I will be very stressed at least twice this semester, having to do an overwhelming amount of math. I will cry at some point.
Not this year, but you just wait.I will obnoxiously bump the MBG New World Records Topic at some point with a long list of my top three times. Kalle will get annoyed.
I'd say rather more than a conflict.There will be at least one major conflict or event in the community this year involving people misbehaving.
Does Fan Lift count?There will be some sort of upset in MBG before the rampage comes out—a desynched time maybe, or some crazy traplaunch.
Blew this one out of the water. Was up 20 pounds within four months. Went to the gym three times a week barring holidays and some brief periods of time due to extenuating circumstances. Really happy with how I followed through with this one. I am starting to lose that weight though so it's back to the 3k calorie diet in 2020. Giving myself a bonus point as a pat on the back for a job well done. [+2]Get buff & gain at least 10 pounds.
You already know how this one went. [+0]Have a girlfriend for a brief period of time.
Yes. Been getting to bed earlier, still working on waking up at a reasonable time on weekends. Room for improvement in 2020. [+1]Get better sleep, but the bags under my eyes prevail.
Sometimes yes, still needs improvement. [+1]Be more confident sometimes.
I did go to a few Chinese Conversation Club meetings, but that's cheating so no. [+0]Have at least one meaningful conversation in Chinese with a foreign exchange student.
Yeah! Turns out there are some pretty friendly people in this world. Just need to reciprocate the friendliness. [+1]Make friends.
Yes, not very much though. [+0.5]Get money playing Smash.
I didn't really improve at all and I stopped competing pretty soon after I wrote that [+0.5]Reach a level in competitive Smash where I'm extremely close to being a top contender but drop off due to finding another hobby.
I must have been thinking about Smash when I wrote my entry. Again, I don't play anymore. [+0]Travel more than one hour for a Smash tournament.
The second half is true (Nationals, and many many other tournaments) but there was a period of time where I was practicing one handed pretty hard. [+0.5]Practically stop practicing cubing, but keep going to tournaments. This includes Nationals, and events in at least three other states.
Yes! [+1]Host two tournaments: one in the summer, and one in the winter.
He's too busy buying Macs he doesn't need to come visit me. [+0]Meet Jeff.
Yes. [+1]Maintain my job at the library. I will not have found an internship in my field of study, nor will I have transferred schools.
I did some Marble Blast stuff behind closed doors but ultimately nothing was released (surprise surprise) [+0]Release at least one project pertaining to Marble Blast.
My new roommate is the greatest. [+1]Get a roommate who doesn't drive me insane.
I did well in the food department. [+1]Try good food.
Extremely true. Even got a bunch of cooking stuff for Christmas so you know this is going to continue into 2020. [+1]Make good food.
My YouTube channel NICE [+1]Create some form of YouTube and Twitch content.
I did get haircuts, but they were lacking in coolness. [+0]Get a cool haircut.
Yes. [+1]Lower my Rice Purity score.
Freebie. [+1]Get really sick.
Drove to my friend's house in Kentucky by myself and it was a ton of fun. I even made a vlog about it! [+1]Drive somewhere, the trip being a personal record for longest distance traveled by myself.
My summer wasn't especially eventful but I enjoyed it nonetheless. [+0.5]Wait too long to decide what I want to do over summer and thus get stuck doing something boring.
This really should be a higher priority on the curriculum. [+0]Learn R.
Phenomenal guesswork. [+1]Be 19.
At least a couple people appreciated the leaderboard I put together. [+1]Get some sort of recognition for compiling data.
Less about procrastination and more about resistance from my mom. Might get one in 2020 though. [+0.5]Consider getting a tattoo but procrastinate instead.
Cronos bought us, and I got to keep my job. +0- This is the toughest of all. As of this writing we have Cronos visiting us so either the company shuts down (because we are shutting down anyway) or is bought. So do I have a new job somewhere else, or do I keep this one under new company (if we get bought). For me, I'd like to stay. But I'll go with new job somewhere else... gut feeling.
Canada, USA, Singapore, Australia... and Hong Kong for the trasnfer. +1- I will go overseas (super freebie), to at least TWO countries (extreme freebie rustles)...
YEESSSS +1- ... and Aayrl gets married this year (super duper ultra freebie) ...
I did make it to the wedding since I stayed at current workplace. Best +0 ever.- ... and if I stay at the current workplace I will FUCKING MAKE IT (and if the place falls down I won't make it), but as this has to be a prediction I predict I won't make it based on the new job somewhere else.
AHAHAHAHA it broke down hard, and holy shit I gained a ton of weight. +0- The diet keeps happening, and I will meet my 80kg goal.
I ended up doing Borderlands 1 instead, BL2/TPS didn't. +0.5- BL2+TPS will be finished in at least one walkthrough. Dunno if Borderlands 1 but who knows.
Does Marble It Up: Mayhem, count? +1- I will play another new game and finish it (maybe more?).
She broke up with me in July, and frankly I'm happy because I was going to as well. A happy +0, all things considered.- I currently have a gf (holy shit the one year I didn't make the prediction I actually end up with one). Will I keep? I dunno, as currently things are slightly rocky on my end (for her everything is well though... she doesn't know...). I'll go with yes.
Got the color I wanted, not floor model because it had issues. +0- I will buy a new car! Just kidding I just bought one yesterday. I'll predict I will get the floor-model instead as an upgrade because it is the color I want.
Got it's second DLC, did get Multiplayer in Mayhem and had two betas... +1?- Marble It Up! gets its second DLC, and then updated to Multiplayer.
Freebie +1- Hocus Pocus TAS will still not resume, and neither will TPI.
God damn the Frightfest tournament crashes +1- PQ keeps crashing because it can.
Pretty much +1- PQ updates still keep happening but again less as time moves on.
I still want to... +1- "I might make a new level for this community, but probably won't happen."
Yes and no. +1- Fubar is RIP! (but I might get source from Aayrl and HiGuy and I will launch it again.)
ARGH so close. We did start the EE WRR though. +0.5- MBG WRR #5 releases! We might even start the Easter Egg/Nest Egg WRR.
Pretty much that, +1- The Unity thing I'm doing is still not done but there is progress.
Happened lmao +1- HiGuy needs to eat lunch so we can't vc yet but we will after lunch.
Yay! +1- I make more YouTube videos, and upload custom levels that I recorded.
Nope, but I have an idea... +0- REPLAY OF THE D--no. Actually, let's go with yes.
Got a sound recording though shit quality and video is impossible so +0.5- Tsuf keeps screaming, but I get at least one recording of him that I want to get (him going to sleep and "חורק" to himself).
E Z P Z LEMON SQUEEZY +1- Tsuf will continue his unending earth-shattering screams as he pisses my parents and I.
Yes and no, but todo. +0.5- Tsuf will keep being awesome and will have a video of himself on YouTube.
We didn't check but he is doing much better. +1- Tsuf continus to lose weight on his diet. Goal is sub-100 grams.
HAPPENED HOLY CRAP +1- I'll buy a new computer... or at least start gathering parts. Black Friday here I come!
YES +1- I won't forget about the Time Capsule and will have new art! 2020 here we come!!!!.
Technicality victory is best kind of victory... +1- (It will be HiGuy who draws it... If not, I'll ask Todd I guess...?).
Yup +1- "Nothing new on the SDA front. It will probably continue to linger, though."
Still isn't +1- This still isn't cannon.cs
FUCK right as I was copypasting to myself I did that mistake again +1- And again Matan, it's:
write whatever you want here
and now you can do [.quote] again. You need a reminder every year!
22/30 = 73.33% I look sexy good!Oh boy 30 points to score Matan. Can you get at least 21 so you can look good?
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