Post here your predictions. Instructions are at the board's description.
Don't forget to edit your posts if you want to add more!
I decided to start a new company, and already am marketing my first product, with HiGuy being my marketing manager! It's in a capsule as well. It was pretty good, and it's empty now so we're going to take all your predictions into it and bury it. I wonder how much microbial growth we'll find by next year...
Don't forget to edit your posts if you want to add more!
I decided to start a new company, and already am marketing my first product, with HiGuy being my marketing manager! It's in a capsule as well. It was pretty good, and it's empty now so we're going to take all your predictions into it and bury it. I wonder how much microbial growth we'll find by next year...
"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.