Long one this time; I don't want to disappoint myself in a year.
I actually had this written up a few weeks ago, but when I finished it, my browser crashed and I had to start over.
I think I did a better job this time around, though.
Marble Blast:
1. I will only release one custom level this year. It will come out in March.
2. MBP 1.50 will reach a completed stage.
3. The Platinum Team will encounter difficulties with merging past leaderboards rankings with current ones.
4. Over summer, I will submit a sub-45 minute run of MBG to SDA. It will still be in the verification process at the end of the year.
5. I will only get one MBG WR.
6. Another World Record Rampage will not happen. Instead, there will be an SDA update for MBG.
7. I will gradually become better at Multiplayer, and Sprawl will still be lame.
8. By the end of the year, Buzzmusic will have released a custom level that is beyond crazy and creative.
9. Something Elite will happen.
10. I will only release three MB videos on my YouTube channel
11. The top two best levels ever (IMO) will still be Camp 2 and No Jumping II.
12. We will get no news regarding Happy Roll.
13. I will, once again, not keep track of the forum's statistics.
14. MBFubar will almost come out, but then it won't come out because of stuff.
15. PQ will have swag.
Other Gaming:
1. My favorite console game will still be SMSunshine, which I will have 100%'d.
2. I will also complete Super Mario 3D World , Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Pokémon Y.
3. I will buy Mario Kart 8 the day it comes out in a nearby store.
4. I will also get Wind Waker HD, Tropical Freeze, Smash Bros 4, M&L: Dream Team, and A Link to the Past.
5. I will NOT complete Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, or NSMBU.
6. My Nintendo 64 will generally get less attention.
7. I will not begin speedrunning a non-Marble game.
8. Several online matches in Mario Kart 7 between Gerson and I will occur. I will lose 90% of the races.
9. I will be tinkering with the idea of an any% Spectraball run.
10. My Wii U Gamepad will get a better battery.
11. (Hopefully) My parents will stop playing that dumb Lego game on the Wii U.
12. I will have a new HD monitor.
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1. My global averages will be under the following times/limits:
2. The following cubes will be my mains:
3. MoYu will release a 5x5.
4. I will get top 100 in the world for Single and Average in Rubik’s Cube: With Feet.
5. Dayan will come out with its seventh 3x3 cube.
6. Gerson will get a sub-10 average on clock.
7. I will create my own custom puzzle, probably a cuboid.
8. The tournament that I am hosting this March will be a success. I will have also done a summer version of it.
9. Shengshou will release an updated version of one of their older products, though no new puzzles will be made by them, except for the 11x11, which will come out later in the year.
10. Andy Smith will win the 2014 National Championships.
11. John Brechon will win my tournament.
12. The 3x3 single WR will go under 5 seconds.
13. Kevin Costello III will break the 4x4 single WR.
14. My 3x3 official average will be sub-12.
15. I will go to over five tournaments, including the US National Championships in Jersey City!
1. Generally, my stacking activity will decrease.
2. I will only go to two tournaments: Connersville and Nationals.
3. I will not get any new cups.
4. My relay team will break the world record.
5. I will break one personal record at the National Championships.
6. My mom will let me use my demo money to pay for my cubing tournament fees.
7. Gerson will get a sub-6.5 cycle.
8. Josh Hainsel will win the World Championships in Korea.
9. The FOTW will reach sub-4.7.
1. Something monumental will happen regarding my relationships with girls. And no, I’m not talking about getting a girlfriend.
2. Bill will change his nickname.
3. I will get taller, older, and heavier.
4. I will successfully overcome my inability to wake up when I need to.
5. Jeff’s PQ swag will slowly decrease over time, and spike in mid-October.
6. Adam Sari will become a better person.
7. I will regain my relationships with older friends.
8. I will be enlightened sometime soon…
9. Gerson’s coolness will steadily increase. And he will get on Skype. (please?)
10. I will have straight A’s, with the exception of one B, by the end of the year.
11. I will be absent from school on a day that doesn’t give me a crap-ton of homework (this weekend is going to suck)
12. I will try some more ethnic foods.
13. My love for Asian foods will remain strong, and (hopefully) my parents will find a better place than QQ kitchen.
14. I will do well in the MathCounts competition tomorrow. (woo!)
15. I will qualify for the Regional Power of the Pen tournament.
16. I will get yelled at for missing choir, even if my excuses are valid.
17. STEM class will be hilariously easy.
18. The first semester of my freshman year will be smooth and not too difficult, especially because I will be taking Mandarin instead of Spanish.
19. I will qualify for the State Geography Bee championships.
20. Jeff will be my most-talked-to person on Skype, with Liam coming in a close second.
21. There will be three Aarons in my Skype list.
22. Steven will have lots of swag.
23. Jeff will still be my mommy, and I will see him again in the Spring.
24. I will make Honors English.
25. I will form a goal by the end of August.
26. Marble2 will have some delicious cupcakes.
27. This section is very long, because I love it.