I will master procrastinate and wait until the last day to make [all my] predictions. ... Not.
-- Not a prediction, but... true enough.
~ I will beat MBP's BCF. I know I can!
-- BEAT IT, with platinum time, too!
~ I will pick up interest in Minecraft and build something amazingly creative or wonderful.
-- Played *occasionally*, lost some interest in it though. Nothing amazing made.
~ I will play on the LBs and have at least half of my offline times beat.
-- Not really. Can't say much about times. Maybe?
~ I will reacquire at least half of my Ultimate and Platinum/Gold times.
-- Maybe?
~ I will scorn Proboards's V5. Buttons > drop-downs.
-- Totally forgot it. Still hate it, though.
~ I will eat a tasty blueberry pie, and sincerely enjoy it.
-- YES! Some of it dripped on my shoe.
~ I will be good in something!
-- I am better at computers! Also better at many things in general.
-- Oh, any maybe staying up late. Whelp.
~ I will have a hobby of some shape or form.
-- Computers and Linux-y stuff, mostly.
~ I will be helpful to the MB community!
-- CLA WHERE? -- Oh, and moderator!
~ I will know how to really program.
-- Am better than before! Know more in terms of knowledge; maybe not so much in terms of _doing_ it.
~ I will learn how to do even cooler things with computers,
-- Arch Linux. 'Nuff said.
~ I will pass and get decent grades in my classes.
-- Passed and did well, both years! Stressed out like crazy though.
~ I will enjoy all my classes for the next two semesters.
-- Haahhahahahah. Well... it wasn't awful.
~ I will be faster at assorted things.
-- Barely. Why am I so slow? :'C
~ I will enjoy school.
-- Yes! No! Yes! I don't regret being at school, I'll say.
~ I will be happy throughout the year!
-- Ehh, stressed is more like it. Could use more optimism...
~ I will be more optimistic than I was when I was writing this post.
-- I didn't read this before the last one! I swear! -- It varies.
~ I will enjoy being a member of the forums for more than three years!
-- It's been good. Active? Less so.
~ I will keep on living.
-- 100% am alive. Living the real life? Debatable.
~ I will try and host a Minecraft server for at least a few weeks this year.
-- Maybe?? I can't remember. Certainly not /last/ year... does LAN count?
~ I will love my cats.
-- Yus.
I need to love them more.
~ I will still love blueberries.
-- Yes!
~ I will appreciate music more.
-- Maybe?
~ I will be a year older! Woo!
-- Two years, in fact.
~ I will come to like these forums.
-- Yes! For the most part. Much better than Proboards.
~ An angry horde of bots will overrun the forums at some point in time.
-- I think this may have happened. At least, in terms of guests.
~ The DedalusTech forums will still be running.
-- HAHA no.
~ Marble Blast Fubar will NOT release; [strike]at least not before summer is over.[/strike] this year.
-- Held true all the way to 2016.
~ PlatinumQuest will NOT release.
-- It's been slowly leaking out into MBP.
~ Aayrl will release at least two beta builds.
-- Not sure. Maybe?? At least /now/ he has.
~ MBP 1.50 will still have that crash-on-disconnection-or-logout bug. I will be flustered.
-- I haven't the foggiest clue. I presume so. I don't even remember this...
~ PQ will finally release its second trailer video.
-- Does Co-Op count? I don't think one ever came out.
~ PQ will release more revealing information.
-- Like, I think they have a release date even! Yes.
~ I will meet new people.
-- Yes.
~ I will procrastinate less.
-- Not really.
(Guess what I'm doing right now?)
~ I will still enjoy and be good at math.
-- Yes, and yes!
~ I will still like science.
-- Yep.
~ I will not cause a heated argument on some forums.
-- I think I may have... last year. With MBSuper. Whelp. We can improve!
~ I will be more creative.
-- Meh, I don't think so.
~ This computer will still be running and active. Nobody will have it to get rid of or replace it.
-- RIP EMAC :'C -- replaced with iMac. Feelings are more meh that expected. I mostly use the Linux now.
~ I will make several embarrassing typos.
-- I'm pretty sure I did a Freudian slip in Skype chat at some point, and probably elsewhere, too...
~ The forums will have many new and wonderful features.
-- Profiles and LBs and scores and plugins and better PMs and uploader? Launcher, stuff, more stuff, yes!
~ Something new and fascinating will be discovered on Mars.
-- WATER WOW it's so salty.
~ I will remember long-term things more easily than before.
-- I didn't remember my predictions, for once.
But aside from that... maybe? It hasn't changed much.
~ I will improve my vocabulary.
-- Yes, indeed! I think.
~ I will make a post and it will somehow be messed up. Stupid ninjas.
-- Quite possibly so. Likely.
~ I will make things more organized.
-- My filesystem? Maybe...
~ I will be more confident.
-- ... I think in some ways, I really have.
~ I will cut my hair.
-- Not sure... I think very early on I did trim it down a little bit.
It's much better now!
~ I will play MarbleBlast Platinum more than before.
-- HAHA nope.
~ Something new, exciting, and totally unprecedented will happen! It will be amazing!
-- A lot of things have happened, so I would say yes.
~ I will have most of my predictions come true.
-- If I remembered them! I suppose so. At least half.
~ I will realize I have started most of my predictions the same and come back at a later time to edit it.
-- Maybe. Stop with the short term questions, me!
~ I will have over 500 posts!
-- You bet. Did I really have less than 500? Maybe I actually /was/ somewhat active...
Note to self: Don't put so many predictions down.
That was interesting, and fun to reflect on! I had some haha moments.
So long!
~ PM