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- Written by: Aayrl
- Category: News
- Hits: 2182
Greetings folks!
First off, let me say we had a phenomenal turnout this year and I hope everyone that was able to attend had a great time! There were a few hiccups here and there and tons of cherisable memories that I am sure we will continue to hear about for many months to come.
If you were unable to attend the event this past Monday, don't worry, we have several more events coming in the next few weeks just for you!
Here are some of our favorite highlights from Monday.
Our first game on Aayrl's "Three Minute Madness" proved quite challenging!
We had enough players to sit on all of the spawns of the community favorite level "King of the Marble".
We shattered the record books once again!
Things started to get a little out of hand when we had a 16-player match of "Ramps Reloaded"
A 20 player "Teams" mode match on "Sprawl", followed by massive latency spikes..
Yes, we eventually managed to crash the server with our 21-player match on "Horizon"...
And we couldn't leave you without our favorite community submission from Threefolder! Later, HiGuy!
Thank you to all of those who made this event possible! We'll see you at the next event, and certainly next Labor Day!
Marble Blast Community Manager
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- Written by: Aayrl
- Category: News
- Hits: 1960
Hello everyone!
Over the past few years, we've opened up the Marble Blast Support Forum to the entire community in the hopes that our wonderful members would be able to assist one another with the multitude of issues that may arise while playing Marble Blast. The Marble Blast Community Staff have especially been extraordinarily helpful with providing assistance to those whom ask of it. However, we've noticed a large decline in the quality and the overall assistance provided by miscellaneous posts from several members of our community.
At this point in time, we have locked down the Support Forum to require moderator or administrative review and approval of all posts before they are publicly visible. All members still have the ability to write responses in this forum, but they may not be publicly visible until a moderator or administrator reviews them. This was done to ensure the original member requesting assistance only reads helpful and descriptive responses to avoid confusion and frustration with our support system. We would also like to strongly recommend that users use our state-of-the-art Ticketing System for the fastest response time.
We hope these changes improve the overall quality of our Support to the majority of our users and we hope you, the community, understand why we must make these changes. We always strive to provide the absolute best experience possible for all of our members.
Thank you,
Marble Blast Community Manager
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- Written by: Aayrl
- Category: News
- Hits: 3030
Hello everyone!
I'm pleased to announce with the success of today's website maintenance we're unveiling the first phase of the Marble Blast Website Profile Update! What does this exciting new update mean? Well, I could tell you about it, but I'd rather show you!
New with the Profile Update, Banner Images and Status Updates! All members receive a preset group of banner images that you can use to customize your profile appearance to anyone who views your profile! Excited? Why not update your Profile Status with the new Status Updates messages! Status messages are limited to 200 characters and follow the same Terms of Service restrictions as usernames, so choose your words wisely!
You can earn additional banners simply by playing the game or attending in-game events! With the release of this update, there are over 100 unique banner images to choose from, and many, many more will be added over the next few weeks! Who will be the first to collect them all?
You can modify your profile banner image and status text at any time by clicking on the "Edit Profile" Icon on your Profile page, or by clicking on the Profile -> Edit Profile link from the top navigation menu.
Another great improvement to user profiles is the Achievements section. All in-game achievements will now display their Rating rewards, in addition to any bonus rewards, such as flair icons or unique username titles! Website achievements got a makeover, too, and will show you their respective rewards! Now you can profile-hunt other members to figure out how they got that elusive "Champion" Title!
And if all of that wasn't enough for you, we've also gone ahead and made the Edit Profile experience even more user friendly for you! No more having to interpret HEX codes or Flair Icon names, as we've gone ahead and made the whole process visual! We've added an easy-to-use color picker for users who are lucky enough to have Colored Usernames and a graphical interface for all of your lovely flair icons!
Lastly, I'm also happy to announce we've resolved the Support Request system so that users can now post replies and updates to their Support Tickets! HiGuy and I were able to identify the issue and squash it promptly, allowing all members to once again respond to their Support Requests. We hope this will clear up some of the post volume on the Support Board and encourage members to once again utilize our state-of-the-art ticketing system for the fastest and most convenient responses to all of their Marble Blast related troubles.
There were many, many more updates included with today's patch, so be sure to head on over to the Forums to check out the details!
I can't wait to disclose further details of the next few phases of the Profile Update, but I am being told I have to keep these secret..for now. We hope you enjoy today's update! If you have any questions or feedback, please respond in the comments section below.
Thank you,
Marble Blast Community Manager
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- Written by: Aayrl
- Category: News
- Hits: 2330
Hello everyone,
It is with great sadness that I must announce the retirement of our fabled Shoutbox feature on the Marble Blast Community Website. The decision did not come lightly, but ultimately the Marble Blast Community Staff have decided the Shoutbox's utility versus practicality is simply not worth the effort nor the resources to maintain. We will officially be removing the Shoutbox module from our Website at 6:00 PM Eastern Time on Monday, August 10th, 2015. The live Webchat system will remain as the official method of conversation between members of the community in real time in addition to the Marble Blast Community Forums.
We will be improving other communication channels to account for the absence of the Shoutbox, including numerous fixes to the Private Messaging and Support Request systems over the next few weeks to ensure users are able to communicate with the Staff in the event of an emergency or a system outage. More details on these improvements will come to fruition later this month.
Thank you again for your understanding. We encourage members to utilize the Webchat system for all of your real-time conversational desires.
Best regards,
Marble Blast Community Manager
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- Written by: IsraeliRD
- Category: News
- Hits: 1988
Self explanatory.
The Platinum Team