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- Written by: Jeff
- Category: News
- Hits: 2278
The Platinum Team is proud to announce that the fabled PlatinumQuest in its entirety will be put into a future update of Marble Blast Platinum! This will not delay MBP updates such as MBP 1.52 and future patches to the game. Because PlatinumQuest has a lot of features, it will take some time to port it to Marble Blast Platinum.
We would also like to take this time, to welcome RDs.Empire to The Platinum Team as an official member. RDs.Empire has done contract work before with us, and we really appreciate him taking up the offer. Please take a moment to welcome RDs.Empire to The Platinum Team.
This is an exciting time for the staff and the community! Expect more announcements of PlatinumQuest, and Marble Blast Platinum 1.52 updates in the future!
Until then, keep on rolling!
- The Platinum Team
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- Written by: HiGuy
- Category: News
- Hits: 2260
As some of you may have noticed, we dropped Mac OS 10.6 support for Marble Blast Platinum 1.51 due to a new extender system which was incompatible. However, thanks to a generous effort by amd42/Derpking (the guy who wrote the extender base system), we have been able to re-add support for those of you who are unable (or unwilling) to update your systems. Mac OS 10.6 users should now see the latest build appear in their launcher and should be able to play online with other Marble Blast Platinum 1.51 players.
Thanks for bearing with us through these updates,
The Platinum Team
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- Written by: IsraeliRD
- Category: News
- Hits: 3368
Hello all!
After a long time The Platinum Team is proud to announce the next patch to Marble Blast Platinum, version 1.51. This patch contains cumulative updates since 1.50’s release as well as new content. Some highlights include a new extender engine (version 1.2), two new multiplayer game modes (Collection and King of the Hill), better controller support, slight changes to level editor with item placement that makes it easier, and nearly 50 bug fixes. The downside to the new extender version is the removal of Mac OSX 10.6 support, though it might be back in a future patch, but no promises are being made.
In addition to that we also added April Fools. Rather than screwing with the website like we normally do, we decided to modify the game. Slightly. After hours of playtesting we concluded that having it stay for 2 days (March 31st until April 1st) is sufficient enough for everyone to enjoy, and for plenty of videos to be made.
Have an awesome week and happy April Fools,
The Platinum Team
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- Written by: Aayrl
- Category: News
- Hits: 2467
Hey folks,
In addition to some of the major updates we installed this afternoon, we've also introduced a new feature to our website known as the Marble Blast Community Support System (MBCSS)! We've created the MBCSS to assist users with submitting bug reports and requesting professional support with Marble Blast related issues they may experience while playing the game. While in the past we've handled these type of requests through the Marble Blast Support forum, we felt there was too much influence from standard community members that were counterproductive to resolving the original issue. Thus, we hope the MBCSS will be utilized as a tool to retrieve direct responses from certified Marble Blast Support Staff members.
At this point in time, we plan to leave the Marble Blast Support board available to all users to allow community members the ability to openly respond to any support requests, but we will strongly advise that members looking for solutions directly from Marble Blast affiliated members to use the MBCSS and associated Knowledge-base for assistance with their requests.
You may submit new tickets (or review previously submitted tickets if you are logged in to your Marble Blast account) by clicking in the "Support" link above. We hope this system will prove to be helpful for both community members and the support staff alike. We've been testing this system for several months and hope everyone enjoys the new service. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to respond in the comments section below and we'll answer any concerns as best as we can.
All the best,
Marble Blast Community Manager
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- Written by: IsraeliRD
- Category: News
- Hits: 2597
Boring titles.
Hey guys,
Just to notify everyone we are going to stop using Amazon's AWS/S3 service, which we used to host the various .zip files required by the MBP Launcher. The reason for that is that marbleblast.com's server has far more transfer bandwidth per month, despite having slower speed than that of AWS's. This saves lots of money as we were paying for both the server and the files hosting.
Our host also has scheduled maintenance on Sunday the 8th of March at 2am UTC (7th March 9PM EST [GMT-0500]) so our website and leaderboards service will be offline for a couple of hours then.
Update: The scheduled maintenance has been completed. All systems should be restored. Thank you for your patience.
Until next time!