A beginner level that even a noob can beat, which a noob cant find because its buried in the CLA. It is a peaceful level, but things go wrong after 0.000001 nanoseconds, and the floors all change to trapdoors, and again you fall into the inner core of the Earth and plummet to your death! YESSS!!!! You then get resurrected. Marblaxia appears out of nowhere and begins to battle with you. He never dies. And the battle arena is made of ice with random force trim. Then Earth explodes because the battle is too powerful. You get blown to your home planet, Marblius. Unfortunately, Marblius is experiencing an ice age and has been shrunk to the size of an MBP marble. And while your marble is trying unsuccessfully to get INTO marblius, there is a black hole (magnet) trying to suck you away. While the black hole tries to suck you away, a virus infects the marble. The marble coughs and dies. You get resurrected once again. You get resurrected on the tip of a very sharp knife. You die again and instead of being resurrected, you go to heaven. You unfortunately go to the wrong heaven, where you have to go through an eternal ramp matrix to get to the end. Before you can even move, Matan appears out of nowhere and permabans the marble from existance and the game ends.
Fortunately, Cyberfox comes in with his DTS maker, and makes a square DTS, which is arguably NOT a marble. However, the game errors out since the marble doesn't exist, ultimately making any attempts at starting up the game futile.
Next level pl0x
"matan, now i get what you meant a few years back when you said that "the level in mbg is beyond me" after the last rampage i noticed things were insane, and now i truly feel that too" - Dushine, 2015.