Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:
Separate high scores for each marble size, plus a few more sizes (something in between regular and small marble 1 and something larger than big marble 3).
A display of how large/small the marble is compared to the default marble (like 1.5x).
Compare high scores between different marbles.
Wouldn't this make the scoreboard too cluttered and messy? I would prefer just one list of high scores.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:An option to turn on/off a checker that will check if you have all interiors for a level being loaded.
Good idea, especially in large custom levels with many interiors.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:A skybox changer. Possibly you could select the mode, and then select the skybox you want to go with it.
TO ADD: have more skyboxes, plus custom made ones.
Being able to choose the sky in each level is a cool idea which I support.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Timer that shows how much Time Travel Bonus you have left
This is one of the few things suggested that I don't find necessary. What would be the point of this, really?
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:A better GUIed level editor.
A level editor with buttons and a walkthrough.
This could be good for people just learning the editor, since the way it is set up now makes it have a bit of a learning curve.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:A LEPrefs.cs that can remember all values set by the user (starts default, but is modifyable).
Good idea.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Game = Platinum;
Game = Gold;
if Game isn't specified, then:
Game = Platinum;
Game = Gold; , all scripts and sound files will direct to their MBG Powerups and Sounds equilavent.
This would also affect the PlayGUI and Scoreboard, achieveing 100% MBG for MBG levels. Unknown effect for Leaderboards.
Yes, yes, yes, this will help completely separate the two games even more than they are now.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Expand the options menu to 'Gameplay' header where you can modify game values automatically. Options can be included for;
Default Gravity
Diagonal speed = Forward Speed (so diagonal is the same as forwards)
Other characteristics
Everything can be changed with a few sliders, buttons and maybe number inputs.
Have a 'Default' option so that players can play on the Leaderboards. If values not at default, they can't access LBs.
This will make it easier to modify the game, and could make for some interesting custom levels.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:The game needs to store (offline) top 5 scores instead of 3.
I suppose...
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Automatic Demo Recording - A recording is automaticalyl made under some name and when the player finishes the level, he can press a button to save the recording (under a new name of course, else it's overwritten).
Reload button so that level reloads and the player can restart the demo without having to go through a huge process.
Note: Please expand such system so that the .rec doesn't screw up, for example you can't restart during a demo recording session, so if the player restarts he should be notified the the .rec file will not be saved/work and he has to reload the level. Perhaps add a 'reload' button to the 'ESC' menu as well?
It's always frustrating to have to restart the whole demo process whenever you mess up in a level. I say yes for this one.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Last 25 levels played feature in the search feature so that you can find that one you randomly clicked.
Maybe...if there's a level I played recently and want to play again, but can't find, this might be good to use.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:- A Restart from Last Checkpoint button.
(AllowLastChkpt = 1; (Rolling to Eternity and other levels can be cheated this way using TMs))
Um, you can just let the marble go OOB and it will start on the previous checkpoint anyway. Don't see the point.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Platinum/Ultimate tags showing on the Leaderboards next to the times like they do in Singleplayer, if possible. Possible on general or just personal? On general it would be interesting to have a P or U tag, maybe just a single picture with a single letter in the P/U colors?
A small thing, but might be good to do in the long run.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:A levels not completed feature that show which levels the player did not finish. (um, might overload customs)
This might be good instead of having to search through my level lists to find ones I didn't complete.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Levels released feature (like TotDay) that shows level name/author and a download link to it on PhilsEmpire server. Works on mac if they're able to do an interior test.
Sounds good.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Maybe make a file for mac that launches MBP in an interior test mode, quits the level and goes back to main menu (this way TotDay works?).
Anything that will get TotD working is approved by me.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:A button that disables the qualify and par times of all levels. Does not work on Leaderboards?
This would take away any sense of challenge on levels with a qualify/par time, and make them less fun in the process.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Ability to play custom levels (non-online purposes) on the leaderboards (they give no rating of course) so that you can talk to other players.
Good idea, that way you can share best times and stuff with fellow marblers who are also online.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Add leaderboard achievements to offline (first four pages)
Definitely yes, I always thought there weren't enough achievements in the regular game.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:New achievements
We could always use more achievements, definitely agreed.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Add scores (to show) how much each achievement is worth on the achievements page on LBs.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Gem Radar (the arrows like in MBU/O)
Good if there are a small amount of gems in a level, but not if there's a large amount (BFinale, for example, has 96). Having 96 arrows crowding the screen would make it near impossible to play.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Bonus levels for completing achievements
Eg. you unlock a hidden level for getting 60 EEs, another level after getting all 120 EEs. Maybe after getting a sub minute on Theif you unlock a hidden sequel. After beating BF's UT you unlock a hidden extra Battlecube level. After getting over 10mil points in the LBs you unlock another level etc.
That would make extra work for people who have to make these bonus levels. Imo, just stick with the points and rating system.
Apr 19, 2009, 12:32am, admin wrote:Frictionprefs.cs SEPARATE from LBs so that players can make custom frictions.
Definitely needed, no reason why we can't make custom frictions.