Original End Pad in MBG:
Code:new StaticShape(EndPoint) {
position = -16 3.20029e-007 32;
rotation = 0 0 -1 89.9544;
scale = 1 1 1;
dataBlock = EndPad;
Modified End Pad in MBP:
Code:new StaticShape(EndPoint) {
position = -16 0 32;
rotation = 0 0 -1 90;
scale = 1 1 1;
dataBlock = EndPad;
This is the reason MBG records should be done on MBG.
I'm not suggesting that the modifications would make any significant difference (perhaps a max of a couple milliseconds), and it won't change the fact that your personal path really is the best one and it yields the best time.
But for the same reason we require .recs for proof, a logical extension of that requirement is that the records be obtained using the original game file.